What's New?


Your Feedback is Appreciated! Dozen of projects are underway to add new functionality and improve user experience - most of these are based on your suggestions!

Before You Begin

If you are new to our software solutions, this page provides some navigational information for What's New, but also Release Notes which lists any bug fixes and enhancements. On this page, we will show you how to find release notes and find previous editions of What's New.

The following products will be documented in What's New, when an update occurs:

  • DAT-MAIL™ (DM)

  • Window Book Automation Scheduler™ (WBAS)

  • AWAM File Manager™ (AWAM FM)

  • DAT-MAIL Prep™ (DMP)

  • DAT-PreCheck™ (DPC)

  • PostalWeb Connector™ (PWC)

  • PostalWeb Desktop Dashboard™(PWDD)

  • If WB makes updates to our PostalWeb™ site (PWN), it will have a "What's New in Detail" page.

Each updated product is included on the What's New in Summary page and has a "What's New in Detail" page. Each product's detail page shows any changes, including behind the scenes changes; and additional details of enhancements. When there a major changes, there will be step-by-step instructions for using new features. Our products are interrelated, so when one changes we fine tune the others. It is important that you review all the Window Book, Inc. solutions you use and update each product that is included in the new release.

And a reminder, the order of software updates should begin with Window Book Automation Scheduler™, PostalWeb Connector™, DAT-MAIL™, PostalWeb Desktop Dashboard™, DAT-PreCheck™, DAT-MAIL Prep™ and AWAM File Manager™, etc. If you do not have one of the products, still follow the sequence, skipping the products not licensed or not updated in this new release.

If you are in a server-with-workstation environment, only the server should have Window Book Automation Scheduler™ and PostalWeb Connector™ installed.

Finding Release Notes or "What's New" for an older software release?

On each product’s Download page, scroll down and click All Release Notes. Click on the version or release you want information about to expand/view the Release Notes for it. To view What's New, click the "What’s New" link located in the first sentence. The "What's New" page specific to the software release will open. We also provide "What's New" in the Support Portal's Knowledge Base under "News and Updates".

See also

What's New in Summary

WBAS - What's New in Detail

DM - What's New in Detail

PWC - What's New in Detail

PWDD - What's New in Detail

DPC - What's New in Detail

DMP - What's New in Detail

PWN - What's New in Detail