-----> teardown stage *** Could not execute: "$TC actions flush action simple" -----> teardown stage *** Error message: "Error: Cannot flush unknown TC action. We have an error flushing " -----> teardown stage *** Aborting test run. <_io.BufferedReader name=3> *** stdout *** <_io.BufferedReader name=5> *** stderr *** File "/usr/libexec/kselftests/tc-testing/./tdc.py", line 371, in test_runner res = run_one_test(pm, args, index, tidx) File "/usr/libexec/kselftests/tc-testing/./tdc.py", line 311, in run_one_test prepare_env(args, pm, 'teardown', '-----> teardown stage', tidx['teardown'], procout) File "/usr/libexec/kselftests/tc-testing/./tdc.py", line 245, in prepare_env raise PluginMgrTestFail( Test b078: Add simple action exit: 255 exit: 0 Error: Failed to load TC action module. We have an error talking to the kernel returncode 1; expected [0] "-----> teardown stage" did not complete successfully Exception ('teardown', 'Error: Failed to load TC action module.\nWe have an error talking to the kernel\n', '"-----> teardown stage" did not complete successfully') (caught in test_runner, running test 2 b078 Add simple action stage teardown) --------------- traceback --------------- accumulated output for this test: Error: Failed to load TC action module. We have an error talking to the kernel --------------- All test results: 1..9 ok 1 b078 - Add simple action # skipped - "-----> teardown stage" did not complete successfully ok 2 4297 - Add simple action with change command # skipped - skipped - previous teardown failed 2 b078 ok 3 6d4c - Add simple action with duplicate index # skipped - skipped - previous teardown failed 2 b078 ok 4 2542 - List simple actions # skipped - skipped - previous teardown failed 2 b078 ok 5 ea67 - Delete simple action # skipped - skipped - previous teardown failed 2 b078 ok 6 8ff1 - Flush simple actions # skipped - skipped - previous teardown failed 2 b078 ok 7 b776 - Replace simple action with invalid goto chain control # skipped - skipped - previous teardown failed 2 b078 ok 8 8d07 - Verify cleanup of failed actions batch add # skipped - skipped - previous teardown failed 2 b078 ok 9 a68a - Verify cleanup of failed actions batch change # skipped - skipped - previous teardown failed 2 b078 :: [ SKIP ] :: Test '13..30 selftests: tc-testing:tc-tests/actions/simple.json [SKIP]'