INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:07] Setting auth parameters in iscsid config with params target_user = a, target_pass = 0, initiator_user = A, initiator_pass = 1 INFO: Setting mutual two-way CHAP authentication ################################################################################ INFO: Setting node.session.auth.authmethod to CHAP in iscsid.conf ################################################################################ ################################################################################ INFO: Setting node.session.auth.username to a in iscsid.conf ################################################################################ ################################################################################ INFO: Setting node.session.auth.password to 0 in iscsid.conf ################################################################################ ################################################################################ INFO: Setting discovery.sendtargets.auth.authmethod to CHAP in iscsid.conf ################################################################################ ################################################################################ INFO: Setting discovery.sendtargets.auth.username to a in iscsid.conf ################################################################################ ################################################################################ INFO: Setting discovery.sendtargets.auth.password to 0 in iscsid.conf ################################################################################ ################################################################################ INFO: Setting node.session.auth.username_in to A in iscsid.conf ################################################################################ ################################################################################ INFO: Setting node.session.auth.password_in to 1 in iscsid.conf ################################################################################ ################################################################################ INFO: Setting discovery.sendtargets.auth.username_in to A in iscsid.conf ################################################################################ ################################################################################ INFO: Setting discovery.sendtargets.auth.password_in to 1 in iscsid.conf ################################################################################ INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:09] Running: 'systemctl show iscsid --property=ActiveEnterTimestamp'... ActiveEnterTimestamp=Mon 2023-01-30 10:01:59 EST INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:09] Running: 'systemctl restart iscsid'... INFO: node.session.auth.authmethod set successfully to CHAP INFO: node.session.auth.username set successfully to a INFO: node.session.auth.password set successfully to 0 INFO: discovery.sendtargets.auth.authmethod set successfully to CHAP INFO: discovery.sendtargets.auth.username set successfully to a INFO: discovery.sendtargets.auth.password set successfully to 0 INFO: node.session.auth.username_in set successfully to A INFO: node.session.auth.password_in set successfully to 1 INFO: discovery.sendtargets.auth.username_in set successfully to A INFO: discovery.sendtargets.auth.password_in set successfully to 1 INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:09] Running: 'systemctl show iscsid --property=ActiveEnterTimestamp'... ActiveEnterTimestamp=Mon 2023-01-30 10:02:09 EST Waiting 5 seconds before restart. INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:14] Running: 'systemctl restart iscsid'... INFO: CHAP authentication enabled INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:14] Discovering local target with params target =, disc_db = True INFO: Executing Discovery_ST() with these arges: Target: INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:14] Running: 'iscsiadm -m discoverydb -D -p -o new -t st'... FAIL:( Could not discover iSCSI target INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:14] Should succeed with '0'. Got '1'. FAIL: [2023-01-30 10:02:14] Discovering local target with params target =, disc_db = True with params target =, disc_db = True failed. INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:14] Trying to login to target: with params target = INFO: Performing iSCSI login INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:14] Running: 'iscsiadm -m node -l -T'... iscsiadm: No records found FAIL:( Could not login to iSCSI target iscsiadm: No records found INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:14] Cleaning up INFO: Deleting target portal: INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:14] Running: 'iscsiadm -m discoverydb --type sendtargets --portal "" -o delete'... INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:14] Disabling CHAP INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:16] Running: 'systemctl show iscsid --property=ActiveEnterTimestamp'... ActiveEnterTimestamp=Mon 2023-01-30 10:02:14 EST Waiting 5 seconds before restart. INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:21] Running: 'systemctl restart iscsid'... INFO: dnf is installed (dnf-4.14.0-2.fc38.noarch) INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:21] Running: 'dnf install -y targetcli'... Last metadata expiration check: 1:35:05 ago on Mon 30 Jan 2023 08:27:16 AM EST. Package targetcli-2.1.54-7.fc38.noarch is already installed. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete! INFO: targetcli was successfully installed INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:22] Setting parameter: userid to '' in group auth with params group = auth, userid = INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:22] Running: 'targetcli /iscsi/ set auth userid='''... Parameter userid is now ''. INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Setting parameter: password to '' in group auth with params group = auth, password = INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Running: 'targetcli /iscsi/ set auth password='''... Parameter password is now ''. INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Setting parameter: mutual_userid to '' in group auth with params group = auth, mutual_userid = INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Running: 'targetcli /iscsi/ set auth mutual_userid='''... Parameter mutual_userid is now ''. INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Setting parameter: mutual_password to '' in group auth with params group = auth, mutual_password = INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Running: 'targetcli /iscsi/ set auth mutual_password='''... Parameter mutual_password is now ''. INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Setting parameter: userid to '' in group discovery_auth with params group = discovery_auth, userid = INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Running: 'targetcli /iscsi set discovery_auth userid='''... Parameter userid is now ''. INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Setting parameter: password to '' in group discovery_auth with params group = discovery_auth, password = INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Running: 'targetcli /iscsi set discovery_auth password='''... Parameter password is now ''. INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Setting parameter: mutual_userid to '' in group discovery_auth with params group = discovery_auth, mutual_userid = INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Running: 'targetcli /iscsi set discovery_auth mutual_userid='''... Parameter mutual_userid is now ''. INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Setting parameter: mutual_password to '' in group discovery_auth with params group = discovery_auth, mutual_password = INFO: [2023-01-30 10:02:23] Running: 'targetcli /iscsi set discovery_auth mutual_password='''... Parameter mutual_password is now ''.