BUILD_HEAD=a9c3bb11 timeout -k 1s --foreground 3000s /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm --no-reboot -nodefaults -device pc-testdev -device isa-debug-exit,iobase=0xf4,iosize=0x4 -vnc none -serial stdio -device pci-testdev -accel kvm -machine q35 -kernel /tmp/tmp.lFkeO4hShj -smp 2 --append 10000000 1670587543 # -initrd /tmp/tmp.ve6sBViSFV qemu-kvm: warning: CPU model qemu64-x86_64-cpu is deprecated -- use at least 'Nehalem' / 'Opteron_G4', or 'host' / 'max' enabling apic enabling apic kvm-clock: cpu 0, msr 0x51203c kvm-clock: cpu 1, msr 0x51205c Wallclock test, threshold 5 Seconds get from host: 1670587543 Raw nanoseconds value from kvmclock: 28900221 (cpu 0) Seconds get from kvmclock: 1670587544 (cpu 0, offset: 1) Raw nanoseconds value from kvmclock: 30241838 (cpu 1) Seconds get from kvmclock: 1670587544 (cpu 1, offset: 1) Check the stability of raw cycle ... Total vcpus: 2 Test loops: 10000000 Total warps: 0 Total stalls: 0 Worst warp: 0 Raw cycle is stable Monotonic cycle test: Total vcpus: 2 Test loops: 10000000 Total warps: 0 Total stalls: 0 Worst warp: 0 Measure the performance of raw cycle ... Total vcpus: 2 Test loops: 10000000 TSC cycles: 568191598 Measure the performance of adjusted cycle ... Total vcpus: 2 Test loops: 10000000 TSC cycles: 570321828 PASS kvmclock_test