use_pty:FALSE /usr/share/restraint/plugins/run_task_plugins bash ./ podman-tests-4.2.0-3.el9.aarch64 Skipping journald related tests due to BZ1972780... INFO: disabling /usr/share/podman/test/system/150-login.bats INFO: disabling /usr/share/podman/test/system/420-cgroups.bats INFO: disabling /usr/share/podman/test/system/260-sdnotify.bats INFO: disabling /usr/share/podman/test/system/200-pod.bats INFO: disabling /usr/share/podman/test/system/410-selinux.bats INFO: disabling /usr/share/podman/test/system/600-completion.bats INFO: disabling /usr/share/podman/test/system/700-play.bats INFO: disabling /usr/share/podman/test/system/035-logs.bats id: ‘podmantest’: no such user Adding rootless podman user: podmantest INFO: disabling /usr/share/podman/test/system/220-healthcheck.bats INFO: disabling /usr/share/podman/test/system/250-systemd.bats INFO: disabling /usr/share/podman/test/system/500-networking.bats Podman version: podman version 4.2.0 Podman debug info: host: arch: arm64 buildahVersion: 1.27.0 cgroupControllers: - memory - pids cgroupManager: systemd cgroupVersion: v2 conmon: package: conmon-2.1.4-1.el9.aarch64 path: /usr/bin/conmon version: 'conmon version 2.1.4, commit: 70d69acba7ada12ec35f96485231e48d3de8594a' cpuUtilization: idlePercent: 75.04 systemPercent: 9.51 userPercent: 15.45 cpus: 4 distribution: distribution: '"centos"' version: "9" eventLogger: file hostname: idMappings: gidmap: - container_id: 0 host_id: 1001 size: 1 - container_id: 1 host_id: 165536 size: 65536 uidmap: - container_id: 0 host_id: 1001 size: 1 - container_id: 1 host_id: 165536 size: 65536 kernel: 5.14.0-170.mr1405_220929_2159.el9.aarch64 linkmode: dynamic logDriver: k8s-file memFree: 2003681280 memTotal: 5385375744 networkBackend: netavark ociRuntime: name: crun package: crun-1.5-1.el9.aarch64 path: /usr/bin/crun version: |- crun version 1.5 commit: 54ebb8ca8bf7e6ddae2eb919f5b82d1d96863dea spec: 1.0.0 +SYSTEMD +SELINUX +APPARMOR +CAP +SECCOMP +EBPF +CRIU +YAJL os: linux remoteSocket: path: /run/user/1001/podman/podman.sock security: apparmorEnabled: false capabilities: CAP_NET_RAW,CAP_CHOWN,CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE,CAP_FOWNER,CAP_FSETID,CAP_KILL,CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE,CAP_SETFCAP,CAP_SETGID,CAP_SETPCAP,CAP_SETUID,CAP_SYS_CHROOT rootless: true seccompEnabled: true seccompProfilePath: /usr/share/containers/seccomp.json selinuxEnabled: true serviceIsRemote: false slirp4netns: executable: /usr/bin/slirp4netns package: slirp4netns-1.2.0-2.el9.aarch64 version: |- slirp4netns version 1.2.0 commit: 656041d45cfca7a4176f6b7eed9e4fe6c11e8383 libslirp: 4.4.0 SLIRP_CONFIG_VERSION_MAX: 3 libseccomp: 2.5.2 swapFree: 6325006336 swapTotal: 6325006336 uptime: 1h 34m 33.00s (Approximately 0.04 days) plugins: authorization: null log: - k8s-file - none - passthrough - journald network: - bridge - macvlan volume: - local registries: search: - - - store: configFile: /home/podmantest/.config/containers/storage.conf containerStore: number: 0 paused: 0 running: 0 stopped: 0 graphDriverName: overlay graphOptions: {} graphRoot: /home/podmantest/.local/share/containers/storage graphRootAllocated: 32573829120 graphRootUsed: 261095424 graphStatus: Backing Filesystem: xfs Native Overlay Diff: "true" Supports d_type: "true" Using metacopy: "false" imageCopyTmpDir: /var/tmp imageStore: number: 0 runRoot: /run/user/1001/containers volumePath: /home/podmantest/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes version: APIVersion: 4.2.0 Built: 1661171328 BuiltTime: Mon Aug 22 08:28:48 2022 GitCommit: "" GoVersion: go1.18.4 Os: linux OsArch: linux/arm64 Version: 4.2.0 Total reclaimed space: 0B [2022-09-29 21:36:27] 001-basic.bats [21:36:28] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:36:28. [+0000s] 1..10 [+0002s] ok 1 podman version emits reasonable output [+0002s] # Arch:arm64 OS:"centos"9 Runtime:crun Rootless:true Events:file Logdriver:k8s-file Cgroups:v2+systemd Net:netavark [+0004s] ok 2 podman info [+0005s] ok 3 podman --context emits reasonable output [+0013s] ok 4 podman can pull an image [+0014s] ok 5 podman-remote : really is remote, works as --remote option # skip only applicable on podman-remote [+0016s] ok 6 podman-remote: defaults [+0017s] ok 7 podman-remote: check for command usage message without a running endpoint [+0018s] ok 8 timeout # skip define $PODMAN_RUN_TIMEOUT_TEST to enable this test [+0019s] ok 9 jq is installed and produces reasonable output [+0026s] ok 10 podman --log-level recognizes log levels [21:36:54] END - [+0026s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:36:54 [2022-09-29 21:36:54] 005-info.bats [21:36:54] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:36:54. [+0000s] 1..7 [+0004s] ok 1 podman info - basic test [+0008s] ok 2 podman info - json [+0011s] ok 3 podman info - RHEL8 must use runc # skip CentOS Stream 9 > RHEL8 [+0013s] ok 4 podman info --storage-opt='' # skip storage opts are required for rootless running [+0016s] ok 5 podman info netavark # skip Netavark testing not requested ($NETWORK_BACKEND='') [+0019s] ok 6 podman --root PATH info - basic output [+0022s] ok 7 podman --root PATH --volumepath info - basic output [21:37:16] END - [+0022s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:37:16 [2022-09-29 21:37:16] 010-images.bats [21:37:16] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:37:16. [+0000s] 1..12 [+0004s] ok 1 podman images - basic output [+0009s] ok 2 podman images - custom formats [+0012s] ok 3 podman images - json [+0021s] ok 4 podman images - history output [+0028s] ok 5 podman images - filter [+0035s] ok 6 podman images -a, after pulling by sha [+0040s] ok 7 podman images - table format [+0044s] ok 8 podman images - bare manifest list [+0055s] ok 9 podman images - rmi -af removes all containers and pods [+0061s] ok 10 podman images - rmi -f can remove infra images [+0065s] ok 11 podman rmi --ignore [+0068s] ok 12 podman image rm --force bogus [21:38:24] END - [+0068s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:38:24 [2022-09-29 21:38:24] 011-image.bats [21:38:24] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:38:24. [+0001s] 1..1 [+0005s] ok 1 podman image - sign with no sigfile [21:38:29] END - [+0005s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:38:29 [2022-09-29 21:38:29] 015-help.bats [21:38:29] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:38:29. [+0001s] 1..1 [+0106s] ok 1 podman help - basic tests [21:40:15] END - [+0106s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:40:15 [2022-09-29 21:40:15] 020-tag.bats [21:40:15] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:40:15. [+0001s] 1..2 [+0010s] ok 1 podman tag/untag [+0015s] ok 2 podman untag all [21:40:30] END - [+0015s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:40:30 [2022-09-29 21:40:30] 030-run.bats [21:40:30] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:40:30. [+0001s] 1..42 [+0007s] ok 1 podman run - basic tests [+0010s] ok 2 podman run - global runtime option [+0014s] ok 3 podman run --memory=0 runtime option [+0017s] ok 4 podman run --preserve-fds [+0020s] ok 5 podman run - uidmapping has no /sys/kernel mounts # skip cannot umount as rootless [+0025s] ok 6 podman run --rm [+0035s] ok 7 podman run --name [+0048s] ok 8 podman run --pull [+0057s] ok 9 podman run --rmi [+0071s] ok 10 podman run --conmon-pidfile --cidfile [+0081s] ok 11 podman run docker-archive [+0097s] ok 12 podman run : user namespace preserved root ownership [+0106s] ok 13 podman run : add username to /etc/passwd if --userns=keep-id [+0111s] ok 14 podman run : --userns=keep-id: passwd file is modifiable [+0113s] ok 15 podman run --log-driver # skip [+0116s] ok 16 podman run --log-driver journald # skip Cannot use rootless journald on this system [+0121s] ok 17 podman run --tz [+0126s] ok 18 podman run : full path to --runtime is preserved [+0130s] ok 19 podman --noout run should print output [+0134s] ok 20 podman --noout create should print output [+0140s] ok 21 podman run : look up correct image name [+0144s] ok 22 podman run on untagged image: make sure that image metadata is set [+0149s] ok 23 Verify /run/.containerenv exist [+0152s] ok 24 podman run with --net=host and --port prints warning [+0157s] ok 25 podman run - check workdir [+0164s] ok 26 podman run - does not truncate or hang with big output [+0168s] ok 27 podman run - do not set empty HOME [+0182s] ok 28 podman run --timeout - basic test [+0188s] ok 29 podman run no /etc/mtab [+0194s] ok 30 podman run --hostuser tests [+0197s] ok 31 podman run --device-cgroup-rule tests # skip cannot add devices in rootless mode [+0200s] ok 32 podman run closes stdin [+0206s] ok 33 podman run defaultenv [+0208s] ok 34 podman run - no /etc/hosts # skip Test is too dangerous to run in a non-container environment [+0212s] ok 35 podman run image with filesystem permission [+0216s] ok 36 podman run with log-opt option [+0220s] ok 37 podman run --kernel-memory warning [+0223s] ok 38 podman run update /etc/hosts [+0227s] ok 39 podman run doesn't override oom-score-adj [+0234s] ok 40 podman top does not use nsenter from image [+0240s] ok 41 podman create --security-opt [+0251s] ok 42 podman run failed --rm [21:44:41] END - [+0251s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:44:41 [2022-09-29 21:44:41] 037-runlabel.bats [21:44:41] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:44:41. [+0001s] 1..1 [+0007s] ok 1 podman container runlabel test [21:44:48] END - [+0007s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:44:48 [2022-09-29 21:44:48] 040-ps.bats [21:44:48] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:44:48. [+0000s] 1..3 [+0010s] ok 1 podman ps - basic tests [+0020s] ok 2 podman ps --filter [+0032s] ok 3 podman ps --external [21:45:20] END - [+0032s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:45:20 [2022-09-29 21:45:20] 045-start.bats [21:45:20] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:45:20. [+0000s] 1..5 [+0009s] ok 1 podman start --all - start all containers [+0012s] ok 2 podman start --all with incompatible options [+0016s] ok 3 podman start --filter - start only containers that match the filter [+0019s] ok 4 podman start --filter invalid-restart-policy - return error [+0023s] ok 5 podman start --all --filter [21:45:44] END - [+0024s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:45:44 [2022-09-29 21:45:44] 050-stop.bats [21:45:44] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:45:44. [+0000s] 1..8 [+0014s] ok 1 podman stop - basic test [+0022s] ok 2 podman stop --all [+0025s] ok 3 podman stop --ignore [+0036s] ok 4 podman stop - can trap signal [+0042s] ok 5 podman stop - unlock while waiting for timeout [+0046s] ok 6 podman stop -t 1 Generate warning [+0050s] ok 7 podman stop --noout [+0065s] ok 8 podman stop, with --rm container [21:46:49] END - [+0065s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:46:49 [2022-09-29 21:46:49] 055-rm.bats [21:46:49] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:46:49. [+0001s] 1..7 [+0006s] ok 1 podman rm [+0010s] ok 2 podman rm - running container, w/o and w/ force [+0015s] ok 3 podman rm container from storage [+0030s] ok 4 podman rm <-> run --rm race [+0034s] ok 5 podman rm --depend [+0040s] ok 6 podman rm -f [+0043s] ok 7 podman container rm --force bogus [21:47:32] END - [+0043s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:47:32 [2022-09-29 21:47:32] 060-mount.bats [21:47:32] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:47:32. [+0000s] 1..5 [+0003s] ok 1 podman mount - basic test # skip mount does not work rootless [+0005s] ok 2 podman image mount # skip too hard to test rootless [+0008s] ok 3 podman run --mount image # skip too hard to test rootless [+0011s] ok 4 podman run --mount image inspection # skip too hard to test rootless [+0013s] ok 5 podman mount external container - basic test # skip mount does not work rootless [21:47:45] END - [+0013s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:47:45 [2022-09-29 21:47:45] 065-cp.bats [21:47:45] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:47:45. [+0001s] 1..24 [+0053s] ok 1 podman cp file from host to container [+0062s] ok 2 podman cp file from host to container tmpfs mount [+0067s] ok 3 podman cp (-a=true) file from host to container and check ownership [+0072s] ok 4 podman cp (-a=false) file from host to container and check ownership [+0078s] ok 5 podman cp file from/to host while --pid=host [+0097s] ok 6 podman cp file from container to host [+0168s] ok 7 podman cp file from container to container [+0215s] ok 8 podman cp dir from host to container [+0234s] ok 9 podman cp dir from container to host [+0303s] ok 10 podman cp dir from container to container [+0311s] ok 11 podman cp symlinked directory from container [+0318s] ok 12 podman cp file from host to container volume [+0323s] ok 13 podman cp file from host to container mount [+0328s] ok 14 podman cp * - wildcard copy multiple files from container to host [+0333s] ok 15 podman cp - will not recognize symlink pointing into host space [+0337s] ok 16 podman cp - will not expand globs in host space (#3829) [+0342s] ok 17 podman cp - will not expand wildcard [+0350s] ok 18 podman cp into container: weird symlink expansion [+0356s] ok 19 podman cp into a subdirectory matching GraphRoot [+0365s] ok 20 podman cp from stdin to container [+0372s] ok 21 podman cp from container to stdout [+0381s] ok 22 podman cp --overwrite file - ctr/ctr [+0389s] ok 23 podman cp --overwrite file - ctr/host [+0397s] ok 24 podman cp --overwrite file - host/ctr [21:54:22] END - [+0397s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:54:22 [2022-09-29 21:54:22] 070-build.bats [21:54:22] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:54:22. [+0001s] 1..28 [+0011s] ok 1 podman build - basic test [+0021s] ok 2 podman buildx - basic test [+0028s] ok 3 podman build test -f - [+0033s] ok 4 podman build - global runtime flags test [+0037s] ok 5 podman build - set runtime [+0047s] ok 6 podman build - cache (#3920) [+0054s] ok 7 podman build test -f ./relative [+0075s] ok 8 podman parallel build should not race [+0083s] ok 9 podman build - URLs [+0118s] ok 10 podman build - workdir, cmd, env, label [+0128s] ok 11 podman build - COPY with ignore [+0137s] ok 12 podman build with ignore '*' [+0147s] ok 13 podman build - stdin test [+0153s] ok 14 podman build - does not gobble stdin that does not belong to it [+0166s] ok 15 podman build --layers test [+0176s] ok 16 build with copy-from referencing the base image [+0183s] ok 17 podman build --pull-never [+0188s] ok 18 podman build --logfile test [+0195s] ok 19 podman build check_label [+0206s] ok 20 podman build check_seccomp_ulimits [+0210s] ok 21 podman build --authfile bogus test [+0220s] ok 22 podman build COPY hardlinks [+0231s] ok 23 podman build -f test [+0236s] ok 24 podman build .dockerignore failure test [+0242s] ok 25 podman build .containerignore and .dockerignore test [+0251s] ok 26 podman build build context ownership [+0257s] ok 27 podman build build context is a symlink to a directory [+0264s] ok 28 podman build --volumes-from conflict [21:58:46] END - [+0264s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:58:46 [2022-09-29 21:58:46] 075-exec.bats [21:58:46] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:58:46. [+0000s] 1..5 [+0007s] ok 1 podman exec - basic test [+0014s] ok 2 podman exec - leak check [+0020s] ok 3 podman exec - cat from stdin [+0026s] ok 4 podman exec - with keep-id [+0031s] ok 5 podman exec/run - missing output [21:59:17] END - [+0031s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:59:17 [2022-09-29 21:59:17] 080-pause.bats [21:59:17] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:59:17. [+0001s] 1..2 [+0013s] ok 1 podman pause/unpause [+0020s] ok 2 podman unpause --all [21:59:37] END - [+0020s] total duration since 2022-09-29T21:59:37 [2022-09-29 21:59:37] 090-events.bats [21:59:37] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T21:59:37. [+0000s] 1..9 [+0006s] ok 1 events with a filter by label [+0010s] ok 2 truncate events [+0017s] ok 3 image events [+0022s] ok 4 events with disjunctive filters - file [+0024s] ok 5 events with disjunctive filters - journald # skip Cannot use rootless journald on this system [+0027s] ok 6 events with file backend and journald logdriver with --follow failure # skip Cannot use rootless journald on this system [+0032s] ok 7 events with disjunctive filters - default [+0036s] ok 8 events with events_logfile_path in containers.conf [+0041s] ok 9 events log-file rotation [22:00:18] END - [+0041s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:00:18 [2022-09-29 22:00:18] 110-history.bats [22:00:18] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:00:18. [+0001s] 1..4 [+0006s] ok 1 podman history - basic tests [+0009s] ok 2 podman history - custom format [+0014s] ok 3 podman history - json [+0018s] ok 4 podman image history Created [22:00:36] END - [+0018s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:00:36 [2022-09-29 22:00:36] 120-load.bats [22:00:36] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:00:36. [+0000s] 1..10 [+0003s] ok 1 podman load invalid file [+0010s] ok 2 podman save to pipe and load [+0012s] ok 3 podman image scp transfer # skip cannot sudo to root [+0022s] ok 4 podman load - by image ID [+0032s] ok 5 podman load - by image name [+0040s] ok 6 podman load - from URL [+0043s] ok 7 podman load - redirect corrupt payload [+0053s] ok 8 podman load - multi-image archive [+0063s] ok 9 podman load - multi-image archive with redirect [+0067s] ok 10 podman save --oci-accept-uncompressed-layers [22:01:43] END - [+0067s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:01:43 [2022-09-29 22:01:43] 125-import.bats [22:01:43] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:01:43. [+0000s] 1..2 [+0012s] ok 1 podman import [+0023s] ok 2 podman export, alter tarball, re-import [22:02:06] END - [+0023s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:02:06 [2022-09-29 22:02:06] 130-kill.bats [22:02:06] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:02:06. [+0000s] 1..5 [+0019s] ok 1 podman kill - test signal handling in containers [+0032s] ok 2 podman kill - rejects invalid args [+0036s] ok 3 podman kill - print IDs or raw input [+0041s] ok 4 podman kill - concurrent stop [+0045s] ok 5 podman wait - exit codes [22:02:51] END - [+0045s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:02:51 [2022-09-29 22:02:51] 140-diff.bats [22:02:51] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:02:51. [+0001s] 1..2 [+0006s] ok 1 podman diff [+0011s] ok 2 podman diff with buildah container [22:03:02] END - [+0011s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:03:02 [2022-09-29 22:03:02] 160-volumes.bats [22:03:02] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:03:02. [+0001s] 1..16 [+0008s] ok 1 podman run --volumes : basic [+0015s] ok 2 podman volume filter --name [+0021s] ok 3 podman volume create / run [+0026s] ok 4 podman volume rm --force [+0034s] ok 5 podman volume: exec/noexec [+0044s] ok 6 podman volume, implicit creation with run [+0052s] ok 7 podman volume import test [+0060s] ok 8 podman volume user test [+0065s] ok 9 podman volume with --userns=keep-id [+0077s] ok 10 podman volume prune [+0083s] ok 11 podman volume type=bind [+0088s] ok 12 podman volume type=tmpfs [+0096s] ok 13 podman volume create copyup [+0101s] ok 14 podman volume mount [+0112s] ok 15 podman --image-volume [+0117s] ok 16 podman volume rm --force bogus [22:04:59] END - [+0117s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:04:59 [2022-09-29 22:04:59] 170-run-userns.bats [22:04:59] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:04:59. [+0000s] 1..11 [+0003s] ok 1 podman --group-add keep-groups while in a userns # skip chroot is not allowed in rootless mode [+0005s] ok 2 podman --group-add keep-groups while not in a userns # skip chroot is not allowed in rootless mode [+0008s] ok 3 podman --group-add without keep-groups while in a userns # skip chroot is not allowed in rootless mode [+0011s] ok 4 rootful pod with custom ID mapping # skip does not work rootless - rootful feature [+0013s] ok 5 podman --remote --group-add keep-groups [+0017s] ok 6 podman --group-add without keep-groups [+0020s] ok 7 podman --group-add keep-groups plus added groups [+0026s] ok 8 podman userns=auto in config file [+0030s] ok 9 podman userns=auto and secrets [+0035s] ok 10 podman userns=nomap [+0038s] ok 11 podman userns=keep-id [22:05:37] END - [+0038s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:05:37 [2022-09-29 22:05:37] 180-blkio.bats [22:05:37] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:05:37. [+0001s] 1..1 [+0004s] ok 1 podman run --blkio-weight-device # skip cannot create devices in rootless mode [22:05:41] END - [+0004s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:05:41 [2022-09-29 22:05:41] 190-run-ipcns.bats [22:05:41] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:05:41. [+0000s] 1..5 [+0003s] ok 1 podman --ipc=host [+0008s] ok 2 podman --ipc=none [+0012s] ok 3 podman --ipc=private [+0017s] ok 4 podman --ipc=shareable [+0023s] ok 5 podman --ipc=container@test [22:06:04] END - [+0023s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:06:04 [2022-09-29 22:06:04] 251-system-service.bats [22:06:04] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:06:04. [+0000s] 1..2 [+0006s] ok 1 podman-system-service containers survive service stop [+0010s] ok 2 podman --host / -H options [22:06:14] END - [+0010s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:06:14 [2022-09-29 22:06:15] 255-auto-update.bats [22:06:15] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:06:15. [+0000s] 1..8 [+0012s] ok 1 podman auto-update - label io.containers.autoupdate=image [+0024s] ok 2 podman auto-update - label io.containers.autoupdate=image with rollback [+0030s] ok 3 podman auto-update - label io.containers.autoupdate=disabled [+0036s] ok 4 podman auto-update - label io.containers.autoupdate=fakevalue [+0044s] ok 5 podman auto-update - label io.containers.autoupdate=local [+0068s] ok 6 podman auto-update - label io.containers.autoupdate=local with rollback [+0104s] ok 7 podman auto-update with multiple services [+0107s] ok 8 podman auto-update using systemd # skip Cannot use rootless journald on this system [22:08:02] END - [+0107s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:08:02 [2022-09-29 22:08:02] 270-socket-activation.bats [22:08:02] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:08:02. [+0000s] 1..3 [+0003s] ok 1 podman system service - socket activation - no container [+0007s] ok 2 podman system service - socket activation - existing container [+0011s] ok 3 podman system service - socket activation - kill rootless pause [22:08:13] END - [+0011s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:08:13 [2022-09-29 22:08:13] 271-tcp-cors-server.bats [22:08:13] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:08:13. [+0000s] 1..3 [+0008s] ok 1 podman system service - tcp CORS [+0015s] ok 2 podman system service - tcp without CORS [+0019s] ok 3 podman system service - CORS enabled in logs [22:08:47] END - [+0034s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:08:47 [2022-09-29 22:08:47] 272-system-connection.bats [22:08:47] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:08:47. [+0001s] 1..3 [+0001s] ok 1 podman system connection - basic add / ls / remove # skip only applicable when running remote [+0001s] ok 2 podman system connection - tcp # skip only applicable when running remote [+0001s] ok 3 podman system connection - ssh # skip only applicable when running remote [22:08:48] END - [+0001s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:08:48 [2022-09-29 22:08:48] 300-cli-parsing.bats [22:08:48] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:08:48. [+0000s] 1..2 [+0003s] ok 1 podman cli parsing - quoted args - #2574 [+0006s] ok 2 podman flag error [22:08:54] END - [+0006s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:08:54 [2022-09-29 22:08:54] 320-system-df.bats [22:08:54] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:08:54. [+0000s] 1..2 [+0004s] ok 1 podman system df - basic functionality [+0011s] ok 2 podman system df - with active containers and volumes [22:09:05] END - [+0011s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:09:05 [2022-09-29 22:09:05] 330-corrupt-images.bats [22:09:05] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:09:05. [+0000s] 1..7 [+0004s] ok 1 podman corrupt images - initialize [+0009s] ok 2 podman corrupt images - rmi -f [+0014s] ok 3 podman corrupt images - rmi -f [+0019s] ok 4 podman corrupt images - rmi -f -a [+0025s] ok 5 podman corrupt images - image prune [+0030s] ok 6 podman corrupt images - system reset [+0031s] ok 7 podman corrupt images - cleanup [22:09:36] END - [+0031s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:09:36 [2022-09-29 22:09:36] 400-unprivileged-access.bats [22:09:36] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:09:36. [+0001s] 1..2 [+0003s] ok 1 podman container storage is not accessible by unprivileged users # skip [rootless] test meaningless without suid [+0007s] ok 2 sensitive mount points are masked without --privileged [22:09:43] END - [+0007s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:09:43 [2022-09-29 22:09:43] 450-interactive.bats [22:09:43] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:09:43. [+0000s] 1..3 [+0005s] ok 1 podman detects correct tty size [+0008s] ok 2 podman load - will not read from tty [+0014s] ok 3 podman run --tty -i failure with no tty [22:09:57] END - [+0014s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:09:57 [2022-09-29 22:09:57] 520-checkpoint.bats [22:09:57] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:09:57. [+0001s] 1..3 [+0002s] ok 1 podman checkpoint - basic test # skip checkpoint does not work rootless [+0004s] ok 2 podman checkpoint --export, with volumes # skip checkpoint does not work rootless [+0006s] ok 3 podman checkpoint --file-locks # skip checkpoint does not work rootless [22:10:03] END - [+0006s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:10:03 [2022-09-29 22:10:03] 750-trust.bats [22:10:03] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:10:03. [+0000s] 1..1 [+0007s] ok 1 podman image trust set [22:10:10] END - [+0007s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:10:10 [2022-09-29 22:10:10] 800-config.bats [22:10:10] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-29T22:10:10. [+0001s] 1..2 [+0006s] ok 1 podman CONTAINERS_CONF - CONTAINERS_CONF in conmon [+0010s] ok 2 podman CONTAINERS_CONF - override runtime name [22:10:20] END - [+0010s] total duration since 2022-09-29T22:10:20 Test finished 😎 All tests passed. ** Podman PASS Score:N/A INFO: restoring /usr/share/podman/test/system/200-pod.bats INFO: restoring /usr/share/podman/test/system/410-selinux.bats INFO: restoring /usr/share/podman/test/system/220-healthcheck.bats INFO: restoring /usr/share/podman/test/system/420-cgroups.bats INFO: restoring /usr/share/podman/test/system/600-completion.bats INFO: restoring /usr/share/podman/test/system/250-systemd.bats INFO: restoring /usr/share/podman/test/system/500-networking.bats INFO: restoring /usr/share/podman/test/system/700-play.bats INFO: restoring /usr/share/podman/test/system/035-logs.bats INFO: restoring /usr/share/podman/test/system/150-login.bats INFO: restoring /usr/share/podman/test/system/260-sdnotify.bats