[2022-09-26 17:55:40] 080-pause.bats [17:55:40] START - All [+xxxx] lines that follow are relative to 2022-09-26T17:55:40. [+0000s] 1..2 [+0004s] not ok 1 podman pause/unpause [+0004s] # (from function `die' in file /usr/share/podman/test/system/helpers.bash, line 557, [+0004s] # from function `run_podman' in file /usr/share/podman/test/system/helpers.bash, line 219, [+0004s] # from function `basic_setup' in file /usr/share/podman/test/system/helpers.bash, line 68, [+0004s] # from function `setup' in file /usr/share/podman/test/system/helpers.bash, line 119, [+0004s] # from function `bats_test_begin' in file /usr/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test, line 79, [+0004s] # in test file /usr/share/podman/test/system/080-pause.bats, line 8) [+0004s] # `@test "podman pause/unpause" {' failed with status 125 [+0004s] # $ podman rm -t 0 --all --force --ignore [+0004s] # $ podman ps --all --external --format {{.ID}} {{.Names}} [+0004s] # $ podman images --all --format {{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}} {{.ID}} [+0004s] # Error: error checking if image "c4b9801d9f6772634a270475e2f6233edc971cc5af50de6bae3909ba9d4ace6e" is dangling: locating item named "manifest" for image with ID "c4b9801d9f6772634a270475e2f6233edc971cc5af50de6bae3909ba9d4ace6e" (consider removing the image to resolve the issue): file does not exist [+0004s] # [ rc=125 (** EXPECTED 0 **) ] [+0004s] # #/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv [+0004s] # #| FAIL: exit code is 125; expected 0 [+0004s] # #\^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [+0004s] # # [teardown] [+0004s] # $ podman pod rm -t 0 --all --force --ignore [+0004s] # $ podman rm -t 0 --all --force --ignore [+0004s] # $ podman network prune --force [+0008s] not ok 2 podman unpause --all [+0008s] # (from function `die' in file /usr/share/podman/test/system/helpers.bash, line 557, [+0008s] # from function `run_podman' in file /usr/share/podman/test/system/helpers.bash, line 219, [+0008s] # from function `basic_setup' in file /usr/share/podman/test/system/helpers.bash, line 68, [+0008s] # from function `setup' in file /usr/share/podman/test/system/helpers.bash, line 119, [+0008s] # from function `bats_test_begin' in file /usr/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test, line 79, [+0008s] # in test file /usr/share/podman/test/system/080-pause.bats, line 61) [+0008s] # `@test "podman unpause --all" {' failed with status 125 [+0008s] # $ podman rm -t 0 --all --force --ignore [+0008s] # $ podman ps --all --external --format {{.ID}} {{.Names}} [+0008s] # $ podman images --all --format {{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}} {{.ID}} [+0008s] # Error: error checking if image "c4b9801d9f6772634a270475e2f6233edc971cc5af50de6bae3909ba9d4ace6e" is dangling: locating item named "manifest" for image with ID "c4b9801d9f6772634a270475e2f6233edc971cc5af50de6bae3909ba9d4ace6e" (consider removing the image to resolve the issue): file does not exist [+0008s] # [ rc=125 (** EXPECTED 0 **) ] [+0008s] # #/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv [+0008s] # #| FAIL: exit code is 125; expected 0 [+0008s] # #\^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [+0008s] # # [teardown] [+0008s] # $ podman pod rm -t 0 --all --force --ignore [+0008s] # $ podman rm -t 0 --all --force --ignore [+0008s] # $ podman network prune --force [17:55:48] END - [+0008s] total duration since 2022-09-26T17:55:48