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Urban topography - Oxford Reference

William George Hoskins � historian of the English landscape. John Stow � historian. See all related overviews in Oxford Reference �. Geographers often refer to it as urban morphology, or more simply as urban form.

More recently, such empirical work has been enriched by M. Conzen, who brought to Britain the German approach to urban morphology. Dyos ed. Clearly all of this needs to be taken into account. It is striking, for instance, how nearly all major towns before the canal age were sited on or near the coast, or on a navigable river at a point where it could be forded or bridged; and M.

Beresford's New Towns of the Middle Ages provides many object lessons of towns sponsored as commercial ventures but with very variable success, often depending on their siting. However, historical geographers stress the need for more depth and subtlety in analysing sites and plans; and both they and historians give much weight to the conscious human decisions behind town origins and development.

The same increasingly sophisticated approach is now evident in discussions of town plans and layout. Many Roman towns were regularly planned, and similar planning has been well known as a revived tradition in Italy since the Renaissance, with examples in Britain starting with new estates London's Covent Garden in the s is the first and then being used for whole new towns e.

Whitehaven Cumbria from as early as the s. Since then the identification of deliberately planned settlements has been pushed steadily backwards. Biddle and D. Lobel ed. Hodges and B. View all related items in Oxford Reference �. Search for: 'urban topography' in Oxford Reference �.

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