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A coastal landscape is a section of coastline that has a range of coastal features ; some erosional, some depositional. It is distinguishable from neighbouring coastal landscapes by prevailing characteristics that dominate the form of the coastline. Company Reg no: VAT reg no Main menu. Subjects Shop Courses Live Jobs board. View garden designs decking you cart. View mytutor2u. Account Shopping cart Logout. Explore Geography Geography Search. Share: Facebook Twitter Email Print page.

A coastal garden designs decking you will be an interaction between: The nature and structure of the rock or materials constituting the coastline. The climate component determining the range and intensity of weathering processes. The marine processes operating to produce features of erosion and deposition. The input of energy and sediment into the coastal zone. The amount of time that has passed to develop or interrupt processes operating to produce features.

Different coastal landscapes may represent: A high energy coastal environment dominated by developing features of erosion Coastal landscape print zoom low energy coastal environment dominated by coastal landscape print zoom stable features of deposition. A variable energy dynamic coastal environment dominated by transfers of sediment between phases of erosion and periods of deposition. A coastal environment with little long-term change and time for the full evolution of coastal landforms into a state of stable equilibrium.

A metastable coastal environment where processes and thus, features change rapidly such as with tectonic uplift, leaving relict features apparent. A historic coastal environment with evidence of ancient processes, sea levels and features with more recent features superimposed as a result of different conditions operating at times up to the present.

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