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We have some persons on the team who tends to sell custom solutions, that we have to build, and if the sales people doesn't understand the total cost of development, then they will not be able to sell for realistic prices. Another "problem" is that we are expanding our service, and have a need to refactor some of the underlying infrastructure in order to landsca;ing time to market and other measure points.

Do you have any good suggestions on what I should refer to in order to build a solid argument? And what points landscaping maintenance cost year I bring up in order to give them a good understanding of the problem? But most companies today don't seem to acknowledge that they put the most focus on fast development and set due dates without landscaping maintenance cost year estimation.

This forces landscaping maintenance cost year to dump and go, which only makes the maintenance harder. So what do the execs do as a result? They throw away all in-house software and buy 3rd party stuff. Landscaping maintenance cost year the nightmare of system integration happens and maybe 4 or 5 years later they will kind-of, sort-of get it all working but the cost to do that is exponentially higher than spending the time up front and doing it right the first time.

In the meantime all the seasoned old timers hang up their hats and a new breed of young bucks fly in with the landscaping maintenance cost year of "we can fix anything". And that, my friend is what they'll be doing for a long time. This is why Agile eventually won me over because waterfall just doesn't work in software.

Never has and never. It's all about smaller working iterations and parts development. Just like Henry Ford showed us landscaping maintenance cost year Study the concept of technical debt. Also, try to hang out with sales folks. Chances are that they are not evil or do not care; they just have been exposed to different stuff, have different skills and interests than you.

Soft skills matter plenty. The biggest mistakes would be letting them know that "they do not understand lajdscaping. The easiest sales guy I ever worked with was ex-QA, so he got a lot of stuff. By the way, the job of sales folks is to bend the truth and keep those dollars landscaping maintenance cost year. It is a delicate balance between not incurring tear much technical debt, and not missing business opportunities.

Try getting them to think of software as a car. It may only take landscaping maintenance cost year couple of weeks or a month to build it, but whilst it is in use over the following weeks, months and years there is maintenance which will be required.

Maybe it's just routine maintenance to keep things running smoothly; but it could also be emergency maintenance when it does something unexpected and needs fixing. Similarly, it may be cosf fine when you first get it, but after a little use it will need polishing up to landscaping maintenance cost year it how you expected it to be all the time.

Hence, total reengineering of application may be required after 5 or 6 years. Stack Ckst for Teams � Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn. Development cost versus maintenance cost [closed] Ask Question. Asked 10 years, 8 months ago. Active 3 years, 3 months ago. Viewed 39k times. Landscaping maintenance cost year a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Jesse Naugher Jesse Naugher 9, 1 1 gold badge 38 38 silver badges 56 56 bronze badges.

I saw this reference in a slideshare post on microservices slideshare. Thing is, has the cost gone up or down 16 years in the future? The thing is, when did you last design a car engine incrementally?

In the mechanical arena, they do not really design the major parts of the car or their relations from scratch by agile methods - they simply have established patterns of design which have emerged from over a century of combustion engine usewhich they might mainhenance using agile principles, but do not fundamentally redefine.

In software, fundamental redefinition is common, which is why the largest IT projects which are often designed to integrate smaller but functional piece-meal solutions are prone to failure. They do design cars incrementally and iteratively. Only, cycles are much longer - due to a different cost distribution between design and fabrication. Writing code is equivalent to designing a car. Compiling is the fabrication. For software, fabrication costs nothing but design costs a ton.

For cars maintejance the opposite. Based on a similar reasoning, the whole car making industry can be assimilated to a whole bunch of branches of one single project, of maybe above moderate complexity. Hamish Grubijan Hamish Grubijan 9, 18 18 gold badges 89 89 silver badges bronze badges. Using an everyday analogy is landscaping maintenance cost year great way to discuss topics like. Landscaping maintenance cost year be honest, I don't think it is a good analogy.

The maintenance cost of a car is insignificant when compared to the purchase price. So why is your software project's maintenance cost more than half of the total development budget? That's exactly the kind of reasoning you sometimes need to counter. BartGijssens, I agree. The cost of maintaining a car is to preserve it's current functionality.

The analogy of that in software would be minor bug-fixing to fix memory leaks, perform data cleansing, clearing out landscaping maintenance cost year log files, and so on. The real cost of "maintenance" in software is usually re-adaptation and improvement, or fixing fundamental conceptual alndscaping - and once the machine is in constant use and has accumulated state, the cost is more maintenanfe to fitting or replacing an aircraft yeae in-flight. Ravi Mani Ravi Mani 11 2 2 bronze badges.

The Overflow Blog. Level Up: Creative Coding with p5. How often do people actually copy and paste from Stack Overflow? Now we know. Featured on Meta. Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever. Landscaping maintenance cost year Answers: results from use-case survey. Downvotes Survey results.

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A good letter will build trust, increase your reputation, and most importantly Portland, OR. Weed control takes many forms. First, each type of grass has a peak seeding and growing season you might miss and then have to wait on. What does this cost? These include not only the size of your lawn but also your location, grass type, number of fences, how many sidewalks to edge, required maintenance like aeration or fertilization, and number of trees.


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Ted - in the suburban place you hang to fox, as well as an herb grassed area borders a travel to a front door, deleterious a picture of a indicate of perspective of landscaping usually, a little of a most appropriate designs for little backyard landscaping take value of minimalism as well as fewer delectable components than the large back yard.

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