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Shara Hughes - Artists - Rachel Uffner Gallery
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Leonardo da Vinci � CE was one of the most productive geniuses in history. He was painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect, and engineer whose genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. He also studied rocks and landscapes to improve the realism of his paintings, as well as to increase his knowledge about the surface earth geohazards, in terms of heavy rainfall, floods, and even landslides.

The relationship between Leonardo and landslides was never investigated before. This is remarkable as it contributes to expand the scientific dimension of Leonardo, and also calls to a proper consideration about geomorphological hazards inside his studies. This relationship is confirmed by a second drawing by Leonardo, ca. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Rent this article via DeepDyve. Scientific American blog. Article Google Scholar. Clemente G, Margottini C Sistema EVA: Una biblioteca Urban Landscape Artists Uk 60 su dischi ottici per le catastrofi naturali del passato.

Bull Eng Geol Environ 57 2 � Landslides � Vai GB I viaggi di Leonardo lungo le valli romagnole: riflessi di geologia nei quadri, disegni e codici. Arte, storia e scienza in Romagna Google Scholar. Download references. The author gratefully acknowledges Peter Bobrowsky and Nicola Casagli for their valuable advises and support. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Claudio Margottini. Reprints and Permissions. Margottini, C. Leonardo da Vinci and landslides.

Landslides 17, � Download citation. Received : 14 September Accepted : 13 November Published : 03 December Issue Date : March Search SpringerLink Search.

Abstract Leonardo da Vinci � CE was one of the most productive geniuses in history. Immediate online access to all issues from Subscription will auto renew annually. Landslides � Article Google Scholar Vai GB I viaggi di Leonardo lungo le valli romagnole: riflessi di geologia nei quadri, disegni e codici.

Acknowledgements The author gratefully acknowledges Peter Bobrowsky and Nicola Casagli for their valuable advises and support. Ethics declarations Conflict of interest The author declares that he has no conflict of interest. Rights and permissions Reprints and Permissions. About this article.

Cite this article Margottini, C.


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