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Dynamic Pool Designs

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I have revieews DAG that creates a cluster, starts computation tasks, and after they completed, tears down the cluster. I want to limit concurrency for the computation tasks carried on this cluster to fixed number. So logically, I need a pool that is exclusive to the cluster dynamic pool designs reviews learning by a task. I thought I could solve this dynamic pool designs reviews learning by creating dynamic pool designs reviews learning pool dynamically from a task after the cluster is created learnong delete it once the computation tasks are finished.

I thought I could template the pool parameter of the computation tasks to make them use this dynamically created cluster. But this way the computqtion lezrning will never teviews triggered. So I think the pool parameter is saved in the task instance before being templated. I would like to hear your thoughts on how to achieve the desired behavior.

Instead of trying to get a dynamic pool to work, see if the concurrency attribute on airflow. DAG will do the trick. It will limit the number of running tasks inside the current run of the process. This answer will probably aggravate some but it's one possible path nonetheless and so it's worth documenting.

The core feature that makes Airflow more powerful then it's competitors is that everything is defined using code. At the end of dynamic pool designs reviews learning day if Airflow does not provide us with a feature we can always just create the feature ourselves using Python. So try to just create a custom pool on your tasks.

Here's some pseudo code off the top of my head. So hopefully everyone can dynamic pool designs reviews learning Small Pool Designs Houston Js my pseudo code. I don't know what reveiws best way of creating a custom pool would be that doesn't introduce a "race condition" so this list queue idea was what I came up with at first glance.

But the main point here is that both task1 and task2 will run at the same time BUT inside their function I can make it so that the function doesn't do anything meaningful until it gets past that if statement preventing it from running the real code. The first task will dynamically set which tasks run first and in what order using the list. Then have all the functions that need to reiews in this custom pool reference that list.

Since our if statements only equal true when their taskName is first in the list it essentially means that only one task can run at a dynmic. The first task in the list will delete itself from the list once it's done processing whatever it needs to. Then the other tasks will dynamic pool designs reviews learning while they wait for their task name to be first in the list.

Stack Overflow for Teams � Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn. Create dynamic dynamic pool designs reviews learning in Airflow Ask Question. Asked 2 years, 6 months ago. Active 1 year, 10 months ago. Viewed 3k times. Improve this question. Midiparse Midiparse 4, 4 4 gold badges 25 25 silver badges 44 44 bronze badges. I have provided you a custom solution.

Please tweak the pseudo code with professional battle ready code that does not cause a "race condition" : � Kyle Bridenstine Apr 25 '19 at Maybe I ran into you lol. I don't think we met.

Hope you had a great time though! I've posted an answer below, why can't you know the pool name before you create the pool? Seems like that would Popular Pool Designs 2019 Eng Sub solve your problem. Seems like dynamic pool designs reviews learning would solve your problem: becuase I want a new pool in each DagRun. This requires passing at lest the DagRun's id to name, which requires templating. The pool parameter cannot be templated � Midiparse May 18 '19 at Add a comment.

Desigsn Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. I know that configuration option. However I need to control the concurrency of specific set of tasks, so this is not what I want. Nevertheless not an optimal solution Furthermore, can you think of a viable solution for this? However in that case it would be cleaner to set the pool up with some kind of init script simply using the airflow cli eg from bash. Just so you won't run queries against Pool Designs By Big Necklace the db needlessly.

So just make some custom logic similar to. Kyle Bridenstine Kyle Bridenstine 4, 5 5 gold badges 41 41 silver badges 81 81 bronze badges. I just realized this answer may be affected by having a clustered environment where the tasks are running on different worker nodes different servers so you might need to tweak the tasksPoolQueue so that it's Global. Honestly there should be a plethora of ways for you to do it. You could even try using the BashOperator to run the Airflow Variable commands and try storing the information in an Airflow Variable.

I didn't want to create custom pooling because I didn't want to ruin the transparency of the tasks. With your workaround, all dynamic pool designs reviews learning will appear on the UI as running on the Gant charts as wellwhen in IRL they are blocked.

Dynamic pooling should be supported intrinsically by airflow Dynamic pool designs reviews learning. Here is an operator that creates a pool if it doesn't exist. Dave C Dave C 1 1 silver badge 12 12 dynamic pool designs reviews learning badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

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