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The study of the landscape was once the main subject of study in geography. Now, it is desert landscape geography unit core topic in many disciplines, such as geography and ecology, soil science and land survey, landscape architecture and planning, psychology and philosophy, history and archaeology.

This essay analyses how this evolution came about in Europe in general and focuses then upon the Belgian situation. Landscape is still seen as a dynamic synthesis between the natural and cultural environment of a region. At the same time it is the expression of the consecutive human attitudes towards the occupied and organised land. Landscapes have a unique history that is part of their identity. The meaning of the word landscape is multiple and so is the research related to the landscape.

From local and unih monographs the lancscape of landscape became transdisciplinary and landscape science emerged as an international network of researchers of very different training but sharing the same.

All are trying to understand the complex interactions between structured landscapes elements and relational processes and their significance for human valuation and attempts to organise and maintain the land in a sustainable fashion. It was seen as a unique synthesis between the natural and cultural characteristics of a region.

This synthesis embraced geo-ecological relations, spatial patterns and aesthetical properties. To study landscape, information was gathered from field surveys, maps, literature, sketches desert landscape geography unit photographs. Since the Second World Gekgraphy, aerial photography, and from on also satellite remote sensing, gave a completely new approach in the study of landscape.

As in the beginning the study of landscape was situated mainly in departments of regional geography, these new technical disciplines were introduced here as. They stimulated the study of landscape on a more holistic basis and in a broader multidisciplinary field.

The landscape became the common framework for regional geography, historical geography, landscape ecology, as well as more applied research in land classification and evaluation for planning purposes. Since the s, the quantitative approach nuit many sciences initiated scientific specialisation and divergence between human and natural sciences. In many countries the geographical curriculum was restructured and resulted in a definite split between physical geography and social geography, while regional geography, including the study of landscapes was abolished or became marginal.

At the same time, interdisciplinary relations were lost or became lost. Geography, ecology, soil science, history, archaeology, psychology and aesthetics started to study landscape more independently. A new synthesis, a new transdisciplinary approach emerged with landscape ecology.

Landscape research no longer is restricted to geography. Therefore, it is not appropriate any more to speak about the geography of landscapes, but rather about what geography can bring to the study of landscape. The whole of the disciplines involved in landscape research will be referred to as landscape science, although this term was used first in by the geographers Oppel and Troll Troll, In most countries the number of researchers studying the landscape is limited and fortunately this stimulated in the development of an international network.

Many landscape researchers meet under the umbrella of the International Association for Landscape Ecology IALEwhich has national, supra regional groups and thematic workshops.

Landscape research is no longer restricted to local or regional interest groups, but has become really international. Desert landscape geography unit this reason, this contribution will describe not only the activities in Belgium, but will try to present a more general overview of geography in relation to the growing landscape science in an international context. With the renaissance period in the 15th century the first painting and deesrt of landscape appeared in the Western world Troll, Kolen and Lemaire desert landscape geography unit this as the emergence deesert a landscape conscience.

The systematic exploration and description of landscapes start with the Age of Discovery, characterised by a fast development of cartography and a growing interest of naturalists. Some locate the start of geography as a scientific discipline at the end of the 19th century Claval,Larnoe,evolving from naturalists such as Alexander von Humboldt and Darwin.

The physical-determinism that characterised the German approach lajdscape tempered and broadened by the French approach of the landscape design templates online meeting of Vidal de la Blache and with the concept of possibilism as paradigm.

The main focus here is the landscape as studied nowadays and how geographers approach this study. CarolZonneveld and later Saey give a more elaborate discussion of the relation between the study of landscape and geography. This definition implies that regional diversification is expressed by geoyraphy landscape and that landscape should be considered as a holistic phenomenon that is perceived by humans.

Although von Humboldt was a pioneer in biogeography, physical geography and climatology, he always stressed in his writings the human and cultural aspects in the landscape and above all the aesthetical qualities, which he considered even as mentally healing von Humboldt, The main difference is the recognition of the importance of a local society in organising the landscape, which results in a regional differentiation not only based upon natural conditions but also upon settlement patterns and Desert Landscape Geography Model territories.

Unti von Humboldt and Vidal de la Blache implicitly include the perception of landscape and its aesthetic qualities in their work. The introduction of geograpgy term landscape ecology in this sense promoted a new holistic synthesis in landscape research and also reconfirmed the perception as an integral part of the concept of landscape.

During the s and desert landscape geography unit a deductive and rationalistic approach dominated the new orientation in geography.

Landscape design templates online meeting upon the optimistic development in economy and technology, the common focus of geographers upon landscape was lost and a divergence and specialisation in geography started. Gradually geographers in Western Europe lost their interest in the visual appearance and aesthetics of the landscape as subject of study temporarily. He stimulated the landscape ecological thinking, mainly from the German and Central-European schools, in the education of geography students in the Netherlands.

The missing of a transdisciplinary and holistic based approach of landscape study became rapidly clear in the fast changing environment in crisis, with new challenges in natural, ecological, cultural and social issues. The first attempt to restore the interdisciplinary approach of landscape research was made in the Netherlands with the creation in of the Working group landscape ecological research Werkgroep Land-schapsecologisch Onderzoek, WLO Zonneveld, It grouped geographers of different kind, biologists and ecologists, as well as social scientists and planners.

Less involved were historical landscape geographers who did however important work in the field of settlement geography Renes, and the mapping and classification of historical cultural landscapes in the Netherlands Vervloet, Basically, the broken link with the tradition desert landscape Desert Landscape Ground Cover Unit geography unit landscape ecology as defined by Troll in was re-established and led to the formal creation of the discipline of landscape ecology.

Also contacts between the West Lanscape approach with the schools of landscape science of the Central and East European countries was renewed. Besides more national journals such as Landschap and Landscape Research, landscape design templates online meeting new international journals were published focusing upon the landscape: Landscape georaphy Urban Planning in and Landscape Ecology in Since then, landscape research expanded over many different disciplines.

Debates are still going on about the specificity of landscape ecology and the definition of landscape. Mossp. Indeed, many new environmental problems demand a better understanding of the functioning of landscape and ask for rapid solutions. Anyhow, landscape research is widening, new fundamental knowledge is needed as well as more practical applications. The integration is achieved by multiple exchanges of ideas and methods. Disciplines in square boxes are the actual ones that contribute actively to the development of landscape science.

The ones in bold are disciplines mainly geography and ecology that made the basics for the actual landscape sciences. The concepts, techniques and methods that were important for this development are underlined. Some important persons that stimulated the development are given in italics. Landscape design templates online meeting 1. The study of the landscape during history: influences upon the actual disciplines that form the landscape science: landscape ecology, landscape geography, land evaluation and landscape architecture.

Different schools for landscape study emerged during the post-war period. In Russia many new concepts related to landscape classification and landscape geobraphy were developed Pedroli, Besides the Geoecology there was also an approach more oriented to human geography and problems related to urbanisation Bartkowski, Gradually, the geographers in France and many other Mediterranean countries lost also their interest for the landscape research and oriented themselves more towards economic and regional planning and urbanisation.

However some interesting fundamental studies. Lebeau made a comprehensive overview of the field systems in the world. In particular the Danish national association for landscape ecology is very active and integrates intimately geographers, ecologists and planners. This offered an important stimulus in the protection of landscapes. The British Directory of Overseas Surveys DOS focused upon rapid surveys desert landscape geography unit vast areas without detailed map data and developed systems xesert land classification based upon air photo interpretation Mitchell,based upon an multi-scale hierarchical land systems concept.

It led to the landsdape of a mainly practical and pragmatic approach for landscape design templates online meeting classification and evaluation and was applied worldwide. It gradually evolved from surveying and assessment to landscape ecology and restoration ecology Hobbs, The approach is distinct from landscape design templates online meeting European one and more oriented to the quantitative analysis of landscape patterns and problems the relation between processes and spatial structures, scale, landscape design templates online meeting Turner, et al.

The application of models and the introduction of landscape indices or landscape metrics is an important innovation that gradually spread over the rest of the world of landscape ecology.

Although much fundamental work is done, practical applications follow rapidly and are oriented towards planning and landscape architecture Dramstad et al. Only the increasing number of participants from China and Japan at the IALE-meetings gives some idea how landscape ecology is approached. The IALE-conference in China Anon, showed a clear focus upon the study of landscape types, in particular sub urban and industrial ones, as well as river and forest landscapes.

This desert landscape geography unit is linked to the study of changes and disturbances. The landscape design templates online meeting of landscape structures is oriented towards planning and management, mainly for conservation purposes. There is here a clear demand for practical applications of landscape ecology. The need for gathering the appropriate information, for surveying and monitoring is important.

Dutch physical and historical geographers were very active and so were biologists and ecologists. Landscape research in the Netherlands covers a broad scale of topics. Only a few representative desert landscape geography unit are given landscape design templates online meeting typology of cultural landscapes Meeus et al. Characteristic was the intimate integration between history, landscape genesis and physical geography, including soil science and geology Snacken et al.

Air photo-interpretation became also an important tool, not only for mapping Wilmet,but also for the analysis of landscapes Larnoe et ,andscape. The historical approach to landscape lxndscape is given by Verhulst Also, the contacts with historians became looser and very few joined the newly landscape design templates online meeting landscape ecology.

Desert landscape geography unit dealing with the landscapes of Belgium as a whole are becoming rare. The bibliographic inventories made for I. References about landscape studies should be looked for in desertt chapter of agriculture and rural development. This clearly shows the reduction of the broad meaning of landscape in the thinking of many Belgian geographers.

Only at the University of Ghent a core of landscape researchers remained. Their work is characterised by a regional synthetic approach on an interdisciplinary basis Snacken et al.

Much of the work is interdisciplinary, joining regional geographers, archaeologists, historians, soil scientists and landscape ecologists in common projects. Landscape does not only refer to a complex phenomenon that can be described and desert landscape geography unit using objective scientific methods. It also refers to a geoggraphy observation and experience and thus unig a perceptive, aesthetical and artistic meaning as .

Air blowing toward shore , chilled by contact with cold water, produces a layer of fog. Tanks and armoured vehicles were able to travel large distances unimpeded and land mines were laid in large numbers. Encyclopedia of Deserts: Cerastes. The Gobi is also in the rain shadow of the Himalaya mountains to the south. View Photograph.


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