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No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Preface The purpose of this book is to reveal of the landscape planning and design in recent years. For this purpose, chapters were selected on the topics of different landscape architecture study.

It involves the systematic david dow landscaping contractor map of existing social, ecological, and geological conditions and processes in the landscape, and Driveway Landscaping Contractor Map the design of interventions that will produce the desired outcome. The scope of the profession includes: urban design; site planning; town or urban planning; environmental restoration; parks and recreation planning; visualresourcemanagement;greeninfrastructureplanningandprovision;andprivate estate and residence landscape master planning and design all at varying scales of design, planning and management.

Landscape planning is the key planning instrument for nature conservation and landscape management. David dow landscaping contractor map from the landscape plans at the local level, i. The local landscape plans Artliche Landschaftsplane are based on the specifications contained in the regional landscape programme and the landscape structure plans.

At all levels landscape planning makes an important longterm contribution to the conservation of natural resources. It not only addresses the narrower areas of particularly valuable protected sites, but also devises strategies for fullcoverage, david dow landscaping contractor map, sustainable conservation andthelongtermdevelopmentofnatureandlandscapes. This book is for landscape architects and david dow landscaping contractor map planning professions.

Theoretical foundations, theories, methods, and applications will be essential parts of this reference book. In addition, this book addresses several very different subjects of study; landscape management, biodiversity, landscape restoration, landscape design, andurbandesignrelatedtotheory,practiceandtheresultswillbecovered. Iwouldliketoexpressmydeepsense ofgratitudeand indebtednessto allthe authors for their valuable contributions and also to the david dow landscaping contractor map who actually performed experiments and reported their findings.

I must confess that it had been a rare privilege for me to be associated with InTech publishers. Thanks is the least word to offer to Ms. Marina Jozipovic, Ms. Sasa Leporic and Mr. Metin Ertufan, david dow landscaping contractor map, Intech Publishing Process Managers, yet I shall avail this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude for their help and cooperation at various phases of book publication. Last butnotleastIexpressmysincerethanksandaffectiontomywifeAytenzyavuzand my daughter Ayza zyavuz for their patience and cheerfulness.

I hope this book will bebeneficialtothescientificworld. Introduction Protected areas are essential for biodiversity conservation. They are the cornerstones of virtually all national and international conservation strategies, set aside to maintain functioning natural ecosystems, to act as refuges for species and to maintain ecological processes that cannot survive in most intensely managed landscapes and seascapes. Protected areas act as benchmarks against which we understand human interactions with the natural world.

Today they are often the only hope we have of stopping many threatened or endemic species from becoming extinct Dudley, david dow landscaping contractor map, The original intent of the IUCN Protected Area Management Categories system was to create a common understanding of protected areas, both within and between countries. Bing Lucas who wrote: These guidelines have a special significance as they are intended for everyone involved in protected areas, providing a common language by which managers, planners, researchers, politicians and citizens groups in all countries can exchange information and views The International Union For Conservation of Nature [IUCN], Protected area managed mainly for ecosystem protection and recreation National Park.

Category IV Protected area managed mainly for conservation through management intervention. Safeguarding the integrity of this traditional interaction is vital to the protection, maintenance and evolution of such an area. Category VI Protected area managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems Managed Resource Protected Area An area containing predominantly unmodified natural systems managed to ensure long term protection and maintenance of biological diversity while providing at the same time a sustainable flow of natural products and services to meet community needs.

In reality, where indigenous peoples are interested in the conservation and traditional use of their lands, territories, waters, coastal seas and other resources, and their fundamental human rights are accorded, conflicts need not arise between those peoples rights and interests, and protected area objectives.

Moreover, formal protected areas can provide a means to recognize and guarantee the efforts of many communities of indigenous and other traditional peoples who have long protected certain areas, such as sacred groves and mountains, through their own cultures IUCN, Indigenous and other traditional peoples have long associations with nature and a deep understanding of it.

Often they have made significant contributions to the maintenance of many of the earths most fragile ecosystems, through their traditional sustainable resource use practices and culture-based respect for nature.

Therefore, david dow landscaping contractor map, there should be no inherent conflict between the objectives of protected areas and the existence, within and around their borders, of indigenous and other traditional peoples. Principle 2. Agreements drawn up between conservation institutions, including protected area management agencies, and indigenous and other traditional peoples for the establishment and management of protected areas affecting their lands, territories, waters, coastal seas and other resources should be based david dow landscaping contractor map full respect for the rights of indigenous and other traditional peoples to traditional, sustainable use of their lands, territories, waters, coastal seas and other resources.

Principle 3. The principles of decentralization, participation, transparency and accountability should be taken into account in all matters pertaining to the mutual interests of protected areas and indigenous and other traditional peoples. Principle 4. Indigenous and other traditional peoples should be able to share fully and equitably in the benefits associated with protected areas, with due recognition to the rights of other legitimate stakeholders.

Principle 5. The rights of indigenous and other traditional peoples in connection with protected areas are often an international responsibility, since many of the lands, territories, waters, coastal seas and other resources which they own or otherwise occupy or use cross national boundaries, as indeed do many of the ecosystems in need of protection.

Financial Planning In Protected Areas A financial plan is a tool which helps to determine the protected areas funding requirements, and to match income sources with those needs. David dow landscaping contractor map planning differs from a budget in that, in addition to identifying how much money is needed for different types of activities, it also identifies the most appropriate funding sources for short, medium, and long-term needs.

IUCN, Protected Area Economic Benefits A protected area also provides its customers with a number of goods and services. These could include goods such as thatching grasses, wild berries and genetic materials, and services such as biodiversity conservation, crop pollination, water purification, game viewing and recreational opportunities.

Such goods and services provide society with a stream of Landscaping Contractor Patio 70 benefits from the existence of the protected area. The benefits can be divided into two categories: so-called use comprising direct and indirect values and non-use comprising option, bequest and existence values benefits IUCN, The structure of an ecosystem includes the species contained therein, david dow landscaping contractor map, their mass, their arrangement, and other relevant information.

This is the ecosystems standing stock natures free goods. The functions of an ecosystem, on the other hand, are characterized by the ways in which the components of the system interact.

They provide natures free services, maintaining clean air, pure water, a green earth, and a balance of creatures, enabling humans to obtain food, fiber, energy, and other material needs for survival.

Evaluating david dow landscaping contractor map contribution of ecosystem functioning to human welfare is a complex task, involving human social values and political factors Direct use values of protected areas derive from the actual use of the protected area for such activities as recreation, tourism, the harvesting of various natural or cultural resources, hunting and fishing, and educational services.

Conversely, indirect use value sderive from the goods and services not directly provided by visits to protected areas. Notably these include ecological functions such as watershed protection, david dow landscaping contractor map, the provision of breeding or feeding habitat, climatic stabilization and nutrient recycling, david dow landscaping contractor map.

Such indirect use values are often widespread and significant, but have been under-valued, if not totally ignored by past economic valuation systems.

Indeed, most of the studies that have attempted to value these indirect goods and services have found that they have far greater value than the more easily measured direct values Figure 1. Option value refers to the potential for individuals or society to use the protected area in the future. For example, many people value a particular protected area even though they have never visited the park, but feel that at some future date they might like to do so.

Bequest value relates to the benefit of knowing that others e. Finally, existence value derives from the benefit of knowing that the protected area exists david dow landscaping contractor map provides valuable goods and services.

Even if they do not plan on ever visiting a particular protected area or protected area system, many people attach value to the more existence of such sites e. Protected areas in Turkey In terms of biodiversity, Turkey is one of the richest countries in Europe and the Middle East, and ranks the ninth on the European Continent in this respect.

There are a number of different ecological regions each with its own endemic species and natural ecosystems. The richness of biodiversity in Turkey is expressed in its mammals, more than bird species, reptiles, and nearly fish species.

The diversity of the geographic formations of Turkey and its location at the intersection of two important Vavilovian gene centers the Mediterranean and the Near Eastern are the reasons for high endemism and genetic diversity Ministry of Environment, There have been various types of habitats formed in the earth since the beginning of the world and existence of the living beings.

Human beings, animals, plants and microorganisms have been surviving in the ecosystems together for many years together with the non-living beings, like water, air, soil, rock and climatologically factors. However, due to technological developments starting from s, there have been significant adverse impacts on the nature. Man can survive less dependent on the surrounding factors and has the ability to easily change the environmental factors with his technological power.

The ecological balances have been greatly degraded due to increase in populations and rapidly developing technologies. In this regard, Turkey is relatively lucky when compared to the most of the countries in Europe and America. In Turkey, there are still number of ecosystems where natural balance has not been completely degraded and we still have a rich biodiversity throughout Turkey, david dow landscaping contractor map.

The rich flora of Turkey includes more than 9, plant species and more than bulbous plants. This flora, with a high endemism ratio, is also rich in medicinal and aromatic plants Ministry of Environment, Located on the migration routes of many birds, Turkey is a key country for many bird species. Several of its species are globally under threat Ministry of Environment, Turkish wetlands are of crucial importance for many breeding species of birds.

There are fish species in Turkey and 50 of these are at risk of extinction. Some freshwater fish species belonging to 26 different families have been identified Ministry of Environment, Approximately 3, plant and animal species have been identified in Turkeys seas Ministry of Environment, There are about 20 species of mammals including the Mediterranean monk seal, whales and dolphins with mostly decreasing populations.

The Aegean Sea is especially important for the endangered Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachuswhich is considered to be one of the 12 most endangered species in the world. Less than 50 specimens inhabit the coasts of Turkey Ministry of Environment, The Aegean Sea and its islands contain numerous microhabitats Posidonia oceanica and Cystoseira species that play an important role in the sustainability of the ecosystem Ministry of Environment, Turkey has accepted the Action Plan and for the conservation of Mediterranean marine turtles within the framework of the Barcelona Convention.

The Ministry of Environment established the Marine Turtles National Commission and the Marine Turtles Scientific Commission for the coordination of activities towards the protection of the two species. Turkey also accepted the action plan for the conservation of the Mediterranean monk seal, again developed in the framework of the Barcelona Convention Ministry of Environment, In this context, Turkey has signed many international conventions and agreements.

In this context, Turkey has signed many international conventions. Depending on these conventions, david dow landscaping contractor map, bynearly sites had been identified by the Ministry of Forest and Water as warranted protection under the law Table 1bynearly 6 sites had been identified david dow landscaping contractor map the Ministry of Culture as warranted protection under the law David dow landscaping contractor map 2.

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