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Coastal Landscapes | GCSE Geography Resources & Revision

Coastal landscape geography exam migration flow generates a return or counter migration. Jewish people returning to Israel after Diaspora. The majority of migrants move a short distance. Migrants who move longer distance tend to choose big-city destinations.

Urban migrants are less migratory than inhabitants of rural areas. Families are less likely to make international moves than young adults. Most long-distance migrants are male. Period of East-West competition, tension and conflict short of full scale war that began after WWII and ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall in the s, included also scientific competition like space race.

United States democracy vs. Soviet Union Communism. Rapidly growing suburban city that has a population greater than , is not the largest city in their metropolitan area having double digit growth for several decades, often develop along interstate beltways. A population pyramid will show a higher number of older or elderly coastal landscape geography exam in its projection than younger working-age people; the population pyramid is top heavy.

Remeber Malthus thought the population growing exponentially would outgrow food supply growing arthmetically. Migrants come from Turkey to work in Germany and send their earnings back home to Turkey. Development of coastal cities in Western Africa during the slave trade. California's Silicon Valley took most high-tech industry workers so other regions were left without their resources and talents and thus suffered the backwash effect.

Manufacturing Zones ie. Paper production located near heavy lumbersteel and copper industries. Found separate clusters surrounding port zones instead of a true coastal landscape geography exam CBD. Can also be the poorest part of a city controlled by a gang or war lord.

Visible imprint of human activity. Amazon Rainforest, Grand Canyon. There is miles between Sydney and Melbourne Australia. NY City Subway system allows accessibility between different city neighborhoods.

Hamburgers in Hindu dominate India were adapted to garden burger varieties for McDonalds. Spread of an innovation or an idea through a population in an area in such a way that the number of those involved grows continuously larger resulting coastal landscape geography exam an expanding area of dissemination; snowball effect. Spread of Islam through Africa. Sequential diffusion process in which the items being diffused are transmitted by their carrier agents as they evacuate the old areas and relocate to new ones.

Most common is spreading of ideas by a migrating population; for coastal landscape geography exam German immigrants bringing tradition of Christmas tree to America. Most people in the world live along seacoasts or near bodies of water. The Northern Hemisphere has a higher population than the Southern Hemisphere. There is a high concentration of favelas slum communities around the outer rim of San Paulo, Brazil.

Due to problems of flooding and mountainous terrain Dolomites, Italy has many dispersed communities. The design of a spatial distribution; geographical arrangements of objects in. Seen on different types of maps. Includes two dozen satellites placed in predetermined orbits, a series of tracking stations to monitor and coastal landscape geography exam the satellites and receivers that compute positions, velocity, and time from the satellite signals.

Receivers in car can give you directions. Has a lot of distortion in the polar regions. A Mercator map. Molleweide projection. Azimuthal map.

The idea that distance between some places is actually shrinking as technology enables more rapid communication and increased interaction between those places.

Increased technology in travel makes it easier to fly coastal landscape geography exam Boston to Paris. American geographer and geologist with studies also in meteorology; helped to establish the Association of American Geographers; wrote articles and is listed as one of the founding members of the National Geographic Society.

The increase of time and cost that usually comes with increasing distance. It will cost you more in time and coastal landscape geography exam money to go to concert in Las Vegas vs. San Diego.

The view that the natural environment has a controlling influence over various aspects of human life, coastal landscape geography exam cultural development; also referred as environmentalism.

Many coastal landscape geography exam dismiss this concept but an example could be that island nations have separate cultural development because of separation from mainland.

Geographic viewpoint- a response to determinism-that holds that human decision making, not the environment, is the crucial factor in coastal landscape geography exam development; nevertheless, possibilists view the environment as providing a set of broad constraints that limits the possibilities of human choices.

Humans can make choices not ruled by climate, physical features. Defined by Manuel Castells as a set of interconnected nodes without a center. Information networks, transportation networks.

Special manufacturing export zones that offer favorable tax, with regulatory and trade agreements to foreign companies. By earlymore than sixty countries had such zone. Some argue that these zones exploit workers and only benefit foreign firms while some believe it provides necessary jobs for local residents.

South Korea: exports automobiles and electronics; high quality-university and primary education system; access to worldwide markets thanks to port cities like Pusan and Kwangju. Taiwan: Who controls Taiwan? The United States recognizes Taiwan as independent due to their more capitalist economic system, while China claims Taiwan is a part of their country. Has grown in economic status due to exports with Kaohsiung handling the majority of the exports.

Specific areas in China that coastal landscape geography exam tax incentives and less stringent environmental regulations to attract foreign business and investment; situated along major port areas. Shanghai, Tianjin. Comes from epidemiology science concerned with the incidence, distribution and control of disease that affect a large number of people. Method of collecting data or information through use of instruments distant from the area or object of study.

State of mind derived through the infusion of a place with meaning and emotion remembering important events that occurred in that place by labeling a place with a certain character. Coastal landscape geography exam have never been to Ireland but from the book I read it looks very green and the people very friendly. Research carried out on location; a piece of research undertaken outside a laboratory or place of learning.

Equated migration to the demographic transition model stages in the DTM determine the motives and distances of migration. Causes include overgrazing, deforestation and soil salinization too much salt in the soil poisons plants.

System in which one central government holds most of the political power. Japan and Great Britain. Relating to a union of states that recognizes a single central government but retain certain powers for themselves. System in which individual political units keep their sovereignty but give limited power to the central government. Commonwealth of Independent States, United States having a federal gov.

Independent former parts of the British Empire; most still retain the British monarch as a head of state with the governor-general serving as the crown representative in the country; however the head of government is their own parliament and prime minister; states that still hold the British monarch as head of state include: Canada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Guyana, Bahamas. Great Britain, Belgium. Monarch is sole ruler. Saudi Arabia, Brunei.

Religious leaders hold senior positions of government. Government controls means of coastal landscape geography exam, determining what goods are made, how much workers will be paid and how much items will cost.

A central authority controls all aspects of society, subordinating individual freedoms to state interests. Alliance of 26 countries from North America and Europe. What are some settlement patterns? New England and parts of Europe. French long-lots. Mixed-use within neighborhoods, within blocks, and within buildings -Diversity of people - of ages, income levels, cultures, and races 4.

Mixed Housing: -A range of types, sizes and prices in closer proximity 5. Traditional Neighborhood Structure: -Discernable center and edge -Public space at center -Importance of quality public realm; public open space designed as civic art -Contains a range of uses and densities within minute walk -Transect planning: Highest densities at town center; progressively less dense towards the edge. The transect integrates environmental methodology for habitat assessment with zoning methodology for community design.

The professional boundary between the natural and man-made disappears, enabling environmentalists to assess the design of the human habitat and the urbanists to support the viability of nature. This urban-to-rural transect hierarchy has appropriate building and street types for each area along the continuum. Increased Density: -More buildings, residences, shops, and services closer together for ease of walking, to enable a more efficient use of services and resources, and to create a more convenient, enjoyable place to live.

Smart Transportation:. Sustainability: -Minimal environmental impact of development and its operations -Eco-friendly technologies, respect for ecology coastal landscape geography exam value of natural systems -Energy efficiency -Less use of finite fuels -More local production -More walking, less driving Quality of Life: -Taken together these add up to a high quality of life well worth living, and create places that enrich, uplift, and inspire the human spirit.

Zone 1: CBD. Zone 2: Wholesale, light manufacturing. Zone 3: Low-Class Residential. Zone 4: Medium Class Residential.


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A sea stack is an isolated promontory headland of rock along the coast, formed from a sea arch that has collapsed because of the action of waves. A sea arch is a sea cave that has been eroded all the way through by waves, leaving behind an arc of rock.

A sea cave is a hollow in the soft rock of a sea cliff or a headland, carved out by the eroding action of waves. A salt marsh is a marsh in which the water that inundates floods the surface of the ground is salty. Most salt marshes form along coasts and are flooded and exposed by the action of tides.

A sandbar is a ridge-like deposit of sediment, usually sand, that has built up in a river channel or at the mouth of a river. As the current slows around a river bend or as a river enters the ocean, the river deposits sediment to form sandbars. Start Course. You need to log in to complete this action!

Sign in here. Course by Antonia Blankenberg , updated more than 1 year ago Contributors Less. No tags specified coastal geography course gcse geography revision course gcse coastal geography. Module Information. The Rock Cycle. No tags specified gcse rock cycle rock cycle geography gcse geography. Show more Flowchart. Rock Types. No tags specified rock types gcse characteristics of rock types.

Show more Note. Rock Type Characteristics. No tags specified gcse geography mind map rock type mind map. Show more Mind Map. Physical Weathering Processes. No tags specified physical weathering processes freeze thaw weathering exfoliation.

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