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Author: admin, 04.10.2020. Category: Interior Landscaping

Average Salary - The Complete Guide German artists: List of great German artists and index to where their art can be viewed at art museums worldwide. Artists by Nationality: German Artists Chronological Listing Use ctrl-F (PC) or command-F (Mac) to search for a name Peter Parler: Sculptor: Master Bertram: Painter. Albrecht Durer (/ ? dj ??r ?r /; German: [??alb??ct ?dy???]; � 6 April ), sometimes spelled in English as Durer or Duerer (without an umlaut), was a German painter, printmaker, and theorist of the German elegant backyard wedding ideas in Nuremberg, Durer established his reputation and influence across Europe when he was in his twenties due to his high-quality woodcut elegant backyard wedding ideas: 21 May , Nuremberg, Free Imperial City of . Landscape Painters: List of artists specializing in Landscapes and index to where their art can be viewed at art museums worldwide.

For us it's a single sold of the many beguiling projects to do since landscape artist germany 500 can renovate a demeanour of your home in the singular day. Louis segment landscape as well as grassed area designers: St. It might presumably be the little the lot some-more pricey though in a extensive run really cost successful as it is probably upkeep giveaway of assign .

He made the first seven scenes of the Great Passion in the same year, and a little later, a series of eleven on the Holy Family and saints. Neither these nor the Great Passion were published as sets until several years later, but prints were sold individually in considerable numbers.

It is possible he had begun learning this skill during his early training with his father, as it was also an essential skill of the goldsmith.

In he executed the Prodigal Son , which the Italian Renaissance art historian Giorgio Vasari singled out for praise some decades later, noting its Germanic quality. He was soon producing some spectacular and original images, notably Nemesis , The Sea Monster , and Saint Eustace c. His landscapes of this period, such as Pond in the Woods and Willow Mill , are quite different from his earlier watercolours.

There is a much greater emphasis on capturing atmosphere, rather than depicting topography. He made a number of Madonnas , single religious figures, and small scenes with comic peasant figures. He continued to make images in watercolour and bodycolour usually combined , including a number of still lifes of meadow sections or animals, including his Young Hare and the Great Piece of Turf In Italy, he returned to painting, at first producing a series of works executed in tempera on linen.

These include portraits and altarpieces, notably, the Paumgartner altarpiece and the Adoration of the Magi. In early , he returned to Venice and stayed there until the spring of In Venice he was given a valuable commission from the emigrant German community for the church of San Bartolomeo.

It includes portraits of members of Venice's German community, but shows a strong Italian influence. His reputation had spread throughout Europe and he was on friendly terms and in communication with most of the major artists including Raphael. During this period he also completed two woodcut series, the Great Passion and the Life of the Virgin , both published in together with a second edition of the Apocalypse series. Other works from this period include the thirty-seven Little Passion woodcuts, first published in , and a set of fifteen small engravings on the same theme in Complaining that painting did not make enough money to justify the time spent when compared to his prints, he produced no paintings from to These drafts were later used to design Lusterweibchen chandeliers, combining an antler with a wooden sculpture.

In , he created his woodcut of a Rhinoceros which had arrived in Lisbon from a written description and sketch by another artist, without ever seeing the animal himself. An image of the Indian rhinoceros , the image has such force that it remains one of his best-known and was still used in some German school science text-books as late as last century.

His only experiments with etching came in this period, producing five � and a sixth ; a technique he may have abandoned as unsuited to his aesthetic of methodical, classical form. His commissions included The Triumphal Arch , a vast work printed from separate blocks, the symbolism of which is partly informed by Pirckheimer's translation of Horapollo 's Hieroglyphica. In addition to attending the coronation, he visited Cologne where he admired the painting of Stefan Lochner , Nijmegen , 's-Hertogenbosch , Bruges where he saw Michelangelo 's Madonna of Bruges , Ghent where he admired van Eyck 's Ghent altarpiece , [26] and Zeeland.

This provides rare information of the monetary value placed on prints at this time. Unlike paintings, their sale was very rarely documented. These things are so precious that they have been valued at , florins ". In painting, there was only a portrait of Hieronymus Holtzschuher , a Madonna and Child , Salvator Mundi , and two panels showing St. John with St. Peter in background and St. Paul with St. Mark in the background. The other, a work on city fortifications, was published in He is buried in the Johannisfriedhof cemetery.

His large house purchased in from the heirs of the astronomer Bernhard Walther , where his workshop was located and where his widow lived until her death in , remains a prominent Nuremberg landmark. Martin Luther; thus I intend to make a portrait of him with great care and engrave him on a copper plate to create a lasting memorial of the Christian man who helped me overcome so many difficulties. Most tellingly, Pirckheimer wrote in a letter to Johann Tscherte in "I confess that in the beginning I believed in Luther, like our Albert of blessed memory Grapheus are better said to be Catholic change agents.

Also, from , "the year that saw the peak and collapse of the Peasants' War , the artist can be seen to distance himself somewhat from the [Lutheran] movement His The Last Supper woodcut has often been understood to have an evangelical theme, focusing as it does on Christ espousing the Gospel , as well the inclusion of the Eucharistic cup, an expression of Protestant utraquism , [35] although this interpretation has been questioned.

His success in spreading his reputation across Europe through prints was undoubtedly an inspiration for major artists such as Raphael, Titian , and Parmigianino , all of whom collaborated with printmakers in order to promote and distribute their work.

I found a picture behind a brick wall,it's got the original wood frame. This service is not offered in this site. If you are unable to do your own research you could perhaps approach an art dealer or auction house in your local area for advice. The problem is that it is genuinely impossible to accurately value a painting without seeing it in person. The reason I say this is that a photographic image could just as easily be of a print, a copy or even a forgery and you need to actually see the item to be sure that it is none of these.

Researching from an image is another matter. There are people on the internet who would help with this, but they are likely to make a substantial charge for their time as ths is a specialist field and requires patience, skill, and often luck.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of pre-owned paintings on the market at any one time. The majority of these are not by listed artists or famous artists. They are mostly by little known painters or even amateurs, and their value is really only what someone will pay for a purely decorative item as opposed to an investment item.

The chances are that you may never identify the artist of your unsigned painting. If, however you are determined to find the artist of the other paiinting you could try Mearto.

I do not have personal experience of either site, so please do not take this as a recommendation. These are just two of the better known sites offering valuation services, and hopefully, as they are well-established, they are likely to offer a reasonable service. Good luck in your quest. As well, the country of where i live have no art or auction houses what so ever.. One of the painting got the signature of the artist but i couldn't read it it isn't clear and it is a colored painting, while the other is Black and White but with no signature.

Sorry Abbi, but this is not a service that I offer. Quite apart from the fact that art research can be incredibly time-consuming, I believe that you cannot give a true valuation based on an emailed photograph.

After all, a print or a forgery, will look just the same as the real deal in a photograph. If you feel that these paintings have a value you could try taking them to an auction house or art dealer in your local area for advice. Good luck! It is impossible to give a realistic appraisal of works of art without seeing them in person. However, if you research on the free to access auction listings on findartinfo. You might also try researching on eBay and liveauctioneers. Italo Botti was a 20th century artist born in New york of Italian immigrant parents.

He was a prolific artist and his work regular appears on the live auction sites including eBay. If you are looking to sell this item you might try approaching a local auction house or art dealer for further advice, or you could list it online yourself. I have a large canvas mid century oil painting by George Barrel aka Botti. I have looked everywhere online. Seen similar paintings but not this exact one.

It's a wrap canvas no frame. The only other thing on it is a series of numbers stamped on the back of the canvas. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. Sorry Brian, but as clearly stated in my article, I do not undertake private appraisal or research work. Most works of art are best examined in the flesh, and research work can be extremely time-consuming, and not always productive.

It is for this reason that art appraisers and researchers often charge a fee. If you feel convinced that your item might be of value, I recommend that you seek further advice from an auction house or art dealer in your local area. Hello, I have found what appears to be a print on cloth of three asian women and the cloth is thumbtacked to a stamped board.

The stamp is nearly illegible " something Panasia Grade F" and the print has a signature i cant quite make out. I thought maybe you could help me to find the artist name and if this might be a 19th century block print that you speak of. I can send pics of it if you wish. Srtist name appears to be "Ismo Hi Sari Mati, Thank you for your kind comments.

I do not, unfortunately, offer any kind of valuation or appraisal service. In my opinion, it is all but impossible to give a true and fair appraisal of a painting or any other work of art without seeing it in person. How is it possible to tell a print from an original, or a fake from a genuine item, without seeing it in the flesh?

It is for this reason that I recommend getting a face to face valuation wherever possible, and a local auctioneer or art dealer should be able to advise you.

Good luck with your research. Very informative. I do have quite old paintings such an oil painting on board signed and dated or Victorian paintings on ivory with old Victorian frames such as tortoise shell, etc.

Should I bring these items to an auctioneer or can I just take photos and send it to them. Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, as Landscape Artist Brisbane Kindergarten stated in the article, I do not offer a valuation service, but in any case the information provided is insufficient to give you any kind of guidance.

It is possible that your etchings are by Baron Ernst von Maydell A simple image search on his name will quickly reveal pictures of his work from which you should be able to identify whether you have the right artist. I suspect that etchings by this artist are likely to have a moderate value, and, as suggested in my article, you should take them to an auctioneer with a specialism in art. Thank you for the great information Amanda.

I have 2 original, signed etchings by E. Thanks for including Mearto in your article. We continue to improve the database and it now has 5 mio.

Would you link directly to the database on www. Beside doing the auction results database. We are connecting private sellers with auctioneers and their specialists. So if someone has rare antiques or art - they can submit it for a free appraisal here www. Hi Melissa, use the tips given in the article to discover whether the paintings might be of value.

If you think you have struck lucky, ask a local art dealer or auction house to take a look. I was just wondering i have found two oil painting's that some one was throwing away on a council pick up so i grabbed them was wanting to know if they have any value.

Hi Oddbob, Unfortunately I do not offer a valuation service, as clearly stated in the article. They sell well at auction, and if you have a genuine painting by this artist that you wish to sell, I recommend you take it to a reputable auctioneer for their advice.

If, however, your picture is just a print, then it willl not be worth nearly as much as the original work of art, and you might consider selling it through a dealer or via an auction website. Good luck, and thank you for posting. Unfortunately I do not offer a research and valuation service, and this is clearly stated in my article.

Please google 'Gobbi artist' to find further information about the artist. There are a number of well-known artists with this surname and you may be able to narrow it down by searching on 'Gobbi painting images'. Blouin Art Sales Index is a useful on-line resource which might show you whether your picture has been through auction. If, after you've researched your item you believe it may be valuable, then I recommend you take it to an auction house or art dealer for further advice.

I am writing to you to get infotmation abaut painting picture has signed by Gobbi. How could I send photos? I need your email adress. Thanks in adwance. Religious paintings have a very specific niche in the market place. The average art buyer is not generally interested in religious art, however, if the work is indeed an antique, and perhaps by a 'listed artist', then it could well be of interest to a museum or some other collector of old masters.

The phrase 'listed artists' is used in reference to those whose works have passed through auction houses and major galleries sufficiently often for them to appear on listings sites such as Blouin's Art Sales Index.

Your painting may well be such an item, but unless you can identify the artist this could be difficult to prove. You say that the signature appears to be in a cyrillic alphabet, and this might be a good place to start. Try looking on the wikipedia page for Cyrillic Alphabet. Here you will find a useful list of variations which may help you to identify a country of origin. If you find that the artist is indeed likely to be Greek or Belarusian, or Bulgarian, etc.

If you are sufficiently lucky, you might be able to identify a possible artist from these lists, then cross-reference them to other works by the same artist on the internet using an image search.

If you are unsuccessful, however, then it is often worth posting on a question and answer site such as WikiAnswers or YahooAnswers. It's not guaranteed to work, but sometimes you can just get lucky. Good luck with your research! Hi Amanda, thanks for this great wealth of information. I acquired a large antique oil painting from an estate sale depicting Jesus holding a cross with a disciple.

There is a label of the company that framed it and it is in Madrid. I got in the touch with a major local auction house for appraisal with the idea to get the value and maybe put it for auction. They declined to appraise as they replied "We generally confine our sales of art to listed artist.

No artist list is posted on their Web site. My guess is they don't have an expert to appraise such thematic artwork and tough to decipher the signature. I am not sure if my painting is worth that much. Are there any specific books or links to check for these type of artworks? I could be either holding a valuable piece or an average one.

I don't know if paintings with religious themes are sought after or not. What's your take on that? Thank you Amanda - great article. We made a database with free auction results. Is this something you could consider writing about? Your painting sounds lovely. It's impossible for me to comment on its potential value, or offer any real insight without seeing the picture.

As I have stated elsewhere, I'm not able to provide a valuation service. I reccommend that you take the picture to an auction house with an in-house art expert to get their advice. Good luck with your search. Hello i have a painting that ive had for years its in a beautiful frame that looks really old the back of the painting dont have anything on it the front has a signature ive tried to look up the name but nothing comes up its not a full name its the painters initial then the last name its a painting of an old man that looks like he is from the Renaissance the name on it is N.

Green if you could help it would be much appreciated thank you. Hi GenAllen, thank you for your email. As I have mentioned in the comments above, I do not offer a research service, and this article is intended to point you in the right direction to do some research of your own. Art research can be a lengthy and time-consuming process which is why you are unlikely to get someone to do it without making a charge.

However, auction houses will often offer you advice for free, based on the premise that you will very possibly then allow them to sell your items.

Hi Steve, your picture sounds intriguing, and it is obviously a family treasure that you would not wish to part with. If you wish to insure it, you could get an ad hoc, verbal valuation from a local auction house. This is unlikely to cost anything, but you should check with the auctioneer first. Written valuations are a different matter, and are likely to cost money, often a straight percentage of the total projected value.

Find out from your insurance company exactly what information they need. They may be happy to accept a few photos, and a general estimate so long as the value is not in the tens of thousands or even greater! Good luck. Hi Amanda. My mother passed awy earlier this year and as agreed I have inherited one of her paintings. It was an odd one, as my father and mother painted it in the 60's while they were still married. During the 60's, my parents used to sell oils down the Bayswater Rd and were also exhibited in one of the London Galleries.

This painting however has never been seen by the public as far as I know. It is unframed and measures approximately 6' X 4' and features a stone bridge in the Lake District. I would like to insure it, but have no idea how to get it valued without incurring a cost at present unemployed. It is a beautiful painting using a mixture of pallete and brush which gives it a lovely depth.

Can you advise me on what to do next please. Can someone help with some paintings that I just inherited. One is signed by Stanford Its i believe oil on board. Hi zhzh, unfortunately I have had to delete your comment as you included an email address, which anyone reading this page could use.

As I have said before, both in the article, and elsewhere in these comments, I do not provide a valuation service. Please follow the advice provided to assist you with doing your own research. As Giovanni Guerzoni is a listed artist you should be able to find examples of his work on the Blouin Art sales Index site.

Once you have established whether the painting might be of value, take it to an auction house that specialises in art, and seek further advice. Renee, researching pictures takes a great deal perseverance. A sketch of a man in a year old church might presumably have been left there at any point in the church's history.

I imagine that it might be a picture of someone connected to the church, but you provide so little information that it is almost impossible to make any helpful suggestions. If it is a framed picture, then it is possibly of someone notable, or at least of importance within the church community. Maybe a cleric, or perhaps a generous member of the congregation.

I found a large sketch of a man in the attic of a year old church How do I find out who he is. In general Dante Petrucelli, larger pictures have a greater value when by the same artist. The difficulty arises when you start to get extra large paintings.

Even when the artist is highly sought after, an outsize painting can be a turn-off for many would be buyers. Not everyone has large expanses of wall to fill. However, if the painting is particularly attractive, and the artist is unusually collectable, then you can still do well, but as with all these things, its hard to predict.

That's a great help and starting point. Ah, I didn't know you were in the UK. Thank you for the reply. Are you able to tell me if larger by the same artist and same medium means more expensive painting just based on the size?

Hi Dante Petrucelli. This is a fascinating story, but unfortunately not one I can help you with, firstly because I am based in the UK, and secondly because restoration is not my area of expertise. As a first step you could identify a professional picture restorer who might be prepared to take on the work if you were to buy the picture, and get an estimate.

Picture restoration does not come cheaply, particularly when there is damage to the canvas, so you need to be sure the investment will not exceed potential profit. Sorry I cannot help you further, but good luck with this enterprise! I have a problem with a painting that a friend's family has.

The painting has been kept in horrible conditions. In a house of a smoker without a frame and was torn in a move. There is a black flim over the whole painting.

This was an early work of a living artist which his paintings are selling for tens of thousands of dollars. I saw a 30 in by a 30 in painting sold for 38, dollars. The good thing is a copy of the painting is hanging somewhere important like the UN or somewhere. I got in touch with the artist and he remembers the painting and wanted to get it back. I may be able to buy the painting but there would have to be an extensive restoration on it.

Also the size of the painting is Hugh in comparison to the ones that were sold by the artist. The story behind the painting was where ever it's hanging right now it was contracted for him to do it for them and I guess a picture was taken of the original. I know all this to be true through conversations with the artist. So what's it cost to restore? The fact that this is so much bigger and hung somewhere will make it more valuable? Any help moving forward would be great. I skimmed through this page so hope this applies.

Are u available to work with? Hi Kristi, I do not offer a valuation service I'm afraid. The artist that you mention is not one I've ever heard of, and a search on his name draws a complete blank. It doesn't even appear to be a real sir-name. I wonder if perhaps you've misread the sir-name? The quickest way to search for listed artists is to go on Blouin's Art Sales Index website. The vast majority of known artists whose works regularly pass through auction, are listed on that site together with auction sales values.

I've just tried searching on Scheermuni without success, but you might want to have a look for yourself to see if any of the names listed are similar. Realistically, its almost impossible to value a painting without seeing it, and if you are in a big city, there is likely to be a number of auction houses and art dealers locally who will be prepared to give an opinion.

Hi Amanda: I have an original oil painting that my mom bought in the 60's in great condition in beautiful wooden original frame. The artist's name is 'W. Have you ever heard of that artist before? I would like to sell it and want to see how much it might be worth. It is a portrait of an older, bearded man with a sad look on his face. The dimensions are: 20 inches by 24 inches in the frame. By the way, I live in NY.

Thanks for any information. Does it have a signature, or any labels that might give a clue? Many paintings are created by amateurs, or less-well known artists, and even when they are of a good standard they often have a low value because there are no collectors desperate to own them. If the painting gives you pleasure and you're not too concerned about its value, just hang it on the wall and enjoy it.

If, however, you bought it as in investment, you can either research it yourself, or else take it to an auction house for their opinion. I have an oil painting, that I know nothing about. I bought it at a flea market because I'm very intrigued by it. I just don't know how to find information on it. Thanks for stopping by AaronBurton. If you love art, as I do, paintings on the wall will always bring pleasure.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting Blackspaniel1. Very wise words - we should always be open to learning. I find this very interesting, even though I have neither painting nor print. One does not need to own either to learn, and we should all be open to learning.

I hope you found it useful. I also love seeing surprised people on the Antiques Roadshow, OhMe. How wonderful to discover something of great value amongst your household knickknacks! Excellent article with lots of helpful info. Plan on rereading this a couple of times to make sure I haven't overlooked anything. Very interesting and helpful. I keep thinking that surely something I have around the house has got to be worth a lot.

I love to watch Antiques Roadshow and see the expressions when people find out something is of great value. I own several oil paintings and this article will help me in evaluating those.

Thanks for a nice article with magnificent photos. Hi Susan, sorry to Landscape Artist Of The Year 2017 Running hear that you haven't found an undiscovered old master, but glad that you still love your paintings. I'm a great believer in enjoying art rather than fretting about its value. Sometimes people get lucky and find that the well-loved picture on the wall is actually very valuable, but this is a comparatively rare occurrence. Most original works of art in circulation are by amateur artists, or artists who are relatively unknown outside their local area.

This doesn't make them bad paintings. It just means that they're not yet on a collector's tick list. Great advice here. I've found out that my paintings aren't valuable! No worries, I just like the look of them on the wall. Hi Brenda, you're absolutely right in your idea that people are always on the look-out for interesting pieces that don't necessarily have high values. My advice to new collectors who have lots of taste, but not too much money, is to buy the things they like, that give them pleasure, rather than be too concerned about investment value.

A really good place for new collectors to start is at local art exhibitions. There are some fabulously talented amateur artists around who don't have a gift for self-promotion, yet turn out some amazing work that can often be bought for very modest sums.

Good luck with your ebaying. You'll learn so much from researching the items you sell, that you'll soon be an expert! I'm an eBay seller who does not know much about art. I am trying to learn a bit. I believe that there is a market for interesting pieces that are not necessarily very valuable but that are unique. People are looking for pieces with which to decorate their homes that are affordable and different than what is easily accessed in the market.

I do not offer an appraisal service via this web-site, and I have deleted your comment as it includes your personal email, which I believe you might wish to keep private from casual readers of this article. It sounds as though you have done some research on Ensor yourself, but realistically, without a signature, it may be difficult to prove the link.

It's possible that a previous owner of the painting also thought it was Ensor's work, and 'attributed' it by writing the name on the reverse. Without seeing the painting I can't comment on it, but if you are convinced that there is a possibility that you have a genuine painting by this artist, you might try contacting the James Ensor Online Museum, and asking for the contact details of an expert on Ensor.

Hi DRG, Thank you for the excellent suggestion. I will definitely put something in about engravings. It's amazing how many times I've reviewed and tweaked this hub, and yet that never occurred to me! I use to own that Goya etching.

It's from "La Tauromaquia" A bull fighting series Goya etched. The whole collection is awesome to view. Good research.

I think you should mention engravings. Engravings came before etchings when acid was not being applied thus making it a greater task to scratch an image unto a surface.

Engravings are worth more because they were harder to make and of course older. Thank you for your positive feedback, Dawn Ca. I'm glad you've found some useful information here. Salomon has three works in the exhibit, including this self-portrait. Salomon was born in Berlin, and after the Kristallnacht joined her grandparents on an estate owned by Ottilie Moore, a US millionaire, in the town of Villefranche, in southern France. She continued painting during her exile, during which she produced this self-portrait.

Salomon was arrested by the Gestapo with her husband in September , and sent to Auschwitz, where she was murdered. She was five months pregnant at the time. Art Art. Art from the Holocaust: The stories behind the images. Share using Email. By Thomas Rogers 3rd February A new exhibition in Berlin explores the grim realities of life for Jews in Nazi camps and ghettoes.

Thomas Rogers meets one of its curators. Felix Nussbaum, The Refugee Nussbaum, the best-known artist in the exhibit, was arrested in Belgium in after which he escaped and went into hiding in Brussels with his wife. Bedrich Fritta, Rear Entrance Of the more than , people deported to the Theresienstadt Ghetto between November and May , approximately , died.

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